Well, this has to be said. Whenever I hear about "The Synagogue of Satan" or "The Heavenly Father" I have to shake my head and wonder how people who claim to have a monopoly on the truth always conjure these images of "Good" vs "Evil." It presupposes one is guilt free of those crimes of which they lay at the feet of another. The childhood fictions taught seem to never be outgrown and within this box of contrived right and wrong people fight. This is true of those who want to deal only in "facts." The "facts" are rooted and grow from that same mystical place of "Good" and "Evil." I myself try and avoid such stark terms but if I had to define evil it would be as follows: Actions which benefit one at the expense of another with the intent of furthering and/or exploiting the suffering of the intended victim without empathy to the plight of said victim. So, what suffering DO YOU cause in the course of your life? Do living creatures besides humans calculate into your perceptions about yourself and the pious convictions you bear? What presupposition gives you the authority to lay claim to righteous indignation when you are no more than the cattle you herd? If there is a tribe on this planet which bears even a tiny fraction of the power you claim then how are you any different to them from the creatures you slaughter for pleasure? I will not submit to the claim of sustenance because it is more than possible to live and thrive without the bloodshed. Anyway, I digress. Here are the images by which the child and adult operate and create society based on simplistic and shallow concepts of virtue and fear...

Tao Of Duplicity Radio Show
- TOD 10-13-11 Elitism vs Racial Solidarity; There Can Be Only One
- TOD 9-29-11 The Zio-Nazi Conundrum
- TOD 9-25-11 You Are The Meat, Not The Meek
- TOD 9-9-11 Dualism, Moral Relativism and Duplicity
- TOD 8-28-11 Duplicity By Any Other Name
- TOD 8-21-11 The Refugees You Never See
- TOD 8-15-11 As Below So Above
- TOD 8-8-11 Racial Survival 101
- TOD 7-23-11 White & Impolite
- TOD 7-9-11 White Community vs White Grift
- TOD 7-2-11 Human Resources, Assets and Ego As Truth
- TOD 6-25-11 Cause & Effect Not Good & Evil
- TOD 6-18-11 Show me yours and I'll show you mine
- TOD 6-11-11 FIRST SHOW
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