Another Minority Riot at a McDonald’s
by Jeff Davis
A CBS article reports: “At least two people were stabbed and hospitalized, and three others injured after a massive brawl involving dozens of people broke out in the parking lot of a McDonald’s near San Jose State University. The fight happened around 10 p.m. about a block away from the university on the corner of San Jose and Third Streets, and just hours after a free downtown concert let out.”
It should read "Majority Riot" because now that we live in a globalist economy & we're all considered global citizens blacks HUGELY outnumber whites but that's not what I want to discuss here...
No, we aren't all equal. The outright savagery of non-whites IS THE SUPERIORITY OF THE FUTURE! So, while all of you really smart white people out there are trying to convince everyone how intelligent you are and how you deserve more than those who aren't as smart consider this; being better suited to this New World Order means becoming able to fight with or against this savagery with brute physical strength and with like savagery. All of your empty pontificating DOES NOT grant you superior elite status, only in your self-appointed privileged mind it does. Get yourselves out of your gated communities and see the cities and once quiet suburbs. See what white people long to become and you'll find that while educating yourself (and others) may be important it is but a small portion of what must be done. Whites WANT and EMBRACE ugliness, ignorance and decay. Speaking with a self-righteous and condescending attitude WILL NEVER succeed in the end with regards to white self-determination. You are lulling yourself and others into a false sense of security thinking most whites care about anything which promotes racial solidarity. They all want to be media whores of one stripe or another and it says much about human nature which is the real issue. You are speaking from an ivory tower which needs to be torn down and rebuilt because it's only ivory in your mind & not in reality. Majority riots are coming to your town and I wonder how well your intellect will fare against such incidents. No mystery to me what the outcome will be but it'll probably come as a hell of a shock to yourself...Tao Of Duplicity
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