Gran Torino: Kill the White Man
by David Yeagley · June 5, 2011 · 47 Comments ·
The message of the movie, Gran Torino (2008), is loud and clear. The white man must die. The darkies either kill him, or he sacrifices himself, or both, but the point of the movie is clarion: kill the white man.
Clint Eastwood as “Walt Kowalski,” Holloywood’s racism on display.
Gran Torino may be pawned off by Hollywood as a message of “Catholic” styled forgiveness, restoration of good will, confession, etc. It may be cast as a wondrous group hug of evil whitey with the poor “gook” descendant of some tribe of Southeast Asia. But, any good will costs the life of the white man. Oh, yes, there’s that little bit about Walt Kowalski (Clint Eastwood) coughing up blood, or dying of lung cancer, so, he was going to die anyway. Why not make it count, for good? That’s better than J. B. Books (John Wayne) did in his swan song of a gun play at the end of The Shootist (1976). And besides, Eastwood has been imitating John Wayne since The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly (1966), when he copied the poncho attire Wayne wore in the opening of The Searchers (1956), but that’s a different issue.
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ReplyDeleteWow, that Grand Torino article you wrote was awesome! I remember reading the reviews of the movie and had a good rant after I heard the plot. I came to the exact conclusions as you and I'm so glad you wrote this article. Most whites would never dare write such an article because they've had a hero worship thing for Clint Eastwood; you know, the whole tough guy image so it would be the murder of their ego to have to turn on mr. macho. I think more honesty comes from non-whites with good intent than from whites who claim racial nationalism because the self-critique is usually non-existent. Anyway, it's very hypocritical of Eastwood that he lives on a ranch surrounded by acres of land yet he promotes a movie which has the reverse message. I wonder if he'll move to the ghetto when his health starts fading...I wonder if his son lives in the ghetto in order to self-sacrifice in the name of diversity. In the end though it is a matter of choice whether one believes the lies & propaganda. White people love to hero worship, love the status quo & love to have a new multicultural bullet to use on their white neighbor. So, is Clint really to blame or is it the cannibalistic & opportunistic tendency of the white man which is REALLY the issue? That is in no way a critique of your article just merely an observation on my part of a much deeper issue which damns the white man who is a willing contributor to this diversity experiment and who has the ultimate goal of being the last white man left standing. Thanks again for the great article!