Tuesday, June 21, 2011

1000 LA residents protested Nazi-Zionist satanic agenda


"LA hosted the national Nazi gathering Saturday that was protested by approximately 1,000 No Nazis In LA members outnumbering the Nazis approximately 10 to 1. The LA-human rights residents held a walking picket line alongside the Nazis to defend human rights of all people, contrary to the Nazi "all white" agenda including genocide according to group leaders."

Hmmm, how many whites were on board with this one and are active members of the LA human rights organization?  Doesn't even matter what the hell went on there for the purpose of this rant.  How many whites use "satanic" and "nazi" interchangeably?  I think "zionist" is beyond the scope of most white comprehension so I won't even give most whites the credit for misunderstanding that one.  Is it ignorance, bliss or opportunism which makes whites feel all fuzzy inside when they attack satanic nazis?  Ever wonder that if whites are wrong about nazis then they just may be wrong about satan?  Nah, too much to ask for I know.  Just stay fuzzy and plump white man until your judgement day comes which will deliver you from those evil satanic nazis.  BTW, don't be fooled just because the term "zionism" is used in the article.  Zionism used by idiots who write such articles harken back to the days of Alex Jones and his 13 Bloodline Illuminati White Supremacist Teutonic Death Cult (aka zionism).  It must feel REAL GOOD to be able to lay witness to a truth which is so safe and a welcomed control valve for those REALLY in control whom you never offend...Good job soldiers of jesus, truth seekers and those of the zeitgeist persuasion!  You're about as effective as one hand clapping...Go get those "Nazi Zionists!"

P.S. It would be hysterical if they were referring to a Tea Party Demonstration as a Nazi Zionist Rally...Wouldn't be the first time

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