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Thursday, June 23, 2011
"USAID has documented aid to Israel by international organizations totaling $186.8 million, of which $106.5 million is from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), $64 million from the United Nations Development Program and $16.3 million from other U.N. agencies. There undoubtedly are significant bilateral aid programs from various industrialized countries as well.
The major non-American donor, however, is Germany, which has been providing financial aid to Israel in very large amounts since the Luxembourg Agreement of Sept. 10, 1952, not long after U.S. aid to Israel began.
Some of the early federal German payments also went to Jewish organizations throughout the world to aid them in resettling Jews who lived outside Israel. However, these and other German payments to Jewish individuals or organizations outside Israel are not considered in this article."
So, Greece is the problem of Europe huh? Greeks don't work as hard as Germans and are "PIGS?" I am not Greek but lived in Greece for a couple of months. I've also traveled to Germany and visited that nation for a week. I found the Greeks extremely nationalistic and MUCH less prone to miscegenate than the Germans. I found Germans being MUCH more accepting of the muslim invasion than the Greeks. By what criteria are we to judge Germans as "superior" and not "equal" to the rest of Europeans? I did NOT find the Greeks to be less likely to work hard but DID find them less likely to be "cosmopolitan." To be honest, I found Greeks to be more down to earth than the Germans who were more pretentious. Germans were much more concerned about the way they appeared to others and this made them (in my opinion) more prone to being lead by the status-quo.
I've learned that there is a sort of cultism regarding German Nationalism which stems from WWII. Whatever resistance Germany put up against globalism in the early part of the 21st Century does not exist anymore according to my experience. I personally know descendants of WWII vets on the axis side and they ABSOLUTELY HATE the 3rd Reich. Call is brainwashing or programming whatever, it doesn't matter. The point is there are very ignorant and dogmatic people who think that the Germany of today deserves to be viewed the same as the Germany of yesteryear, politics, racial solidarity and philo-semitism be damned. Self satisfaction, elitism and superiority complexes are more important than self-determination.
It is truly amazing how one event regarding Greece's bailout can reveal so much. Germany and it's sycophants will believe the news when it seems to sympathize with them. They will believe their "enemy" when the news is framed to their liking and will absolutely gang-pile one of their own when zionism throws them a bone. I believe they are really lap dogs for those they claim to fight and their resistance is only equal to their acceptance by the status-quo (or lack thereof). Pat them on the head and say "poor Germany" and you'll get the exact scenario of which I am writing about. GERMANY IS ISRAEL'S NEXT BEST FRIEND and if you REALLY want to fight the New World Order then you know who it's two best friends are. Those who pride themselves on how great Germany is are saying that their money policies are also great. The USA and Germany seem to be the two places keeping Israel armed and afloat so it's not a stretch to say that the people saying how great Germany is are saying how great their spending is as well. It's also an indication that, to these people, policy & racialism takes a back seat to nepotism and nationalism.
I hate to break it to all the German sycophants out there but the only reason Germany is so successful is because they are the golden goose for Israel. If Germany resisted Turkish invasion and in general made it difficult for Zionism then it would be in the same boat as Greece. Germany is a sellout nation and all it's sycophants should stop the anti-israel rhetoric. When you talk about how superior Germany is and how much better it's people are than Greeks you might as well start rooting for Israel's success as well. If what you admire is social status, a strong economy and zero loyalty to your people then by all means, celebrate how great Germany is. Just remember that the same media you condemned for it's unfair treatment of whites worldwide is the same media you are now trusting to lead you into a campaign to crush Greece. Just remember that when Greece falls Germany will be FLOODED with Turks so I hope you put that figure into your elite little calculator. The "Price" of Greece (artificial I'm sure) will pale in comparison to it's fall and YOU WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE, if not by anyone else but by myself. I hope to get this message out far and wide and let people know that the sheep among them are wolves ready to eat them at the first sign of trouble...Tao Of Duplicity
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Where are the protests by German people? Where is the outrage akin to the outrage against "Austerity Measures" implemented against Greece? There won't be any and will never be any, why? Because Germans are too busy being better than the Greeks and the rest of the European peoples. To be "better" is to keep one's mouth shut when such eyesores such as the holocaust memorials are built. To be "better" is to say "yes israel" whatever the question. To be "better" is to criticize countries who have more of a priority to keep Turkey out of the EU and thus incur the wrath of the enemies of Europe rather than wearing the "most productive slave" badge for all to envy. No, the "better" and "not equal" claims Germany & it's sycophants makes are pathetic and prove that those with the most money work harder alright; harder to please & never offend the people they are enslaved by while simultaneously ostracizing their own genetic cousins...Tao Of Duplicity