The popular social networking site’s boy genius Mark Zuckerberg is sticking to his own personal food chain these

In a recent CNN Money interview, the self-made Internet billionaire turned confessed killer has publicly admitted to only eating animals he has slaughtered himself.
It has been said by self proclaimed "truth seekers" that Facebook is a CIA front where members profile themselves for the New World Order Leftist Zionist Communist Apparatus, allowing said apparatus to archive personal information, all serving Big Brother's Agenda. Well, it looks as though the founder of Facebook is not a "leftist" or "vegetarian" but more of a "right-winger" when it comes to the food chain. So, apparently, using the logic of "truth seekers" Zuckerberg is more of a right-winger hunter type than a leftist tree-hugger...You won't hear this story coming from these truth seekers, why? Because it blows a gaping hole into their theory that the Zionist new world order which they say has enslaved America is some left-wing environmental animal rights contingent. If Zuckerberg were truly left wing he wouldn't be slitting animal's throats on a daily basis. The fact is that no genuinely powerful Zog agent is ever pro-environment or pro-animal welfare. All of our billionaire oligarchic members of big-business are in favor of exploiting the natural world as much as possible. Throughout history it has always been the exploitation of environmental resources that has made people the most money, not the protection of them, and this still remains true today. This environmental exploitation, taken to it’s logical end, becomes human exploitation and is the basis for humanism ironically enough. Zog will always support the exploitation of the environment, just as it exploits human beings. Historically, exploitation is the way Zog had always made its money, and it will continue to do so in the future. That is the very nature of Zionism, The New World Order, Teutonic Masonry or whatever you want to call it. It’s big business, combined with political control, and fueled by overuse of resources. This leads to the encouragement of OVER population, not UNDER population, but that’s a whole other duplicitous scheme which I will deal with at a later date. Zog will always support immigration, and everything else it perceives will help big-business, and will always work to discredit environmentalism because being forced to take the environment into consideration will always put a check on the power of big-business. So, Zuckerberg is indeed one of the New World Order Cogs enabling people all over the world to spy on themselves and create entire dossiers of personal information which will be archived and held by powers beyond your comprehension. Point is, though, that it is yet another big business corporate predator putting one more nail into the coffin of your freedom, but it’s not a tree-hugging hippie liberal leftist telling you to refrain from vice…Nope, it’s a hunter predator, just like the ones you defend against PETA’s campaigns of compassion and insight into the plight of your prey. You probably have more in common with the New World Order than you think…