Tao Of Duplicity Radio Show
- TOD 10-13-11 Elitism vs Racial Solidarity; There Can Be Only One
- TOD 9-29-11 The Zio-Nazi Conundrum
- TOD 9-25-11 You Are The Meat, Not The Meek
- TOD 9-9-11 Dualism, Moral Relativism and Duplicity
- TOD 8-28-11 Duplicity By Any Other Name
- TOD 8-21-11 The Refugees You Never See
- TOD 8-15-11 As Below So Above
- TOD 8-8-11 Racial Survival 101
- TOD 7-23-11 White & Impolite
- TOD 7-9-11 White Community vs White Grift
- TOD 7-2-11 Human Resources, Assets and Ego As Truth
- TOD 6-25-11 Cause & Effect Not Good & Evil
- TOD 6-18-11 Show me yours and I'll show you mine
- TOD 6-11-11 FIRST SHOW
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Oh, so IRAQ is drilling for oil now since 2003, hmmm...What does it mean to be called an Iraqi now? The article gives the reader a sense that to be Iraqi is to be a people. This is funny because nationalism is denounced by the media when dealing with most of it's countries of interest. It's IRAQ drilling for oil, that's very interesting. You get the idea that Iraq is now on it's feet again without an evil dictator and the people are free to engage in commerce (oil of course). The same impetus behind this article is telling Americans to "Drill Baby Drill" in the Arctic. What do "truth tellers" say in response? Drill Baby Drill because our economy is in shambles. You see, to NOT drill makes you a liberal leftist. To NOT drill when you have A GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO DRILL makes you a heathen, to not drill makes the environment more important than human beings...This is the logic. This is the mentality of all these people who have their flocks of "truth seekers" & who shepard the people by telling them what they want to hear. Once again, an article which points to a striking similarity between the "truth seekers" and the powers that be. Sure, the "truthers" will tell you that the BP oil spill was deadly (mainly because people can't fish anymore and the water/air is contaminated, no concern for animal habitats) but that doesn't stop them from advocating more drilling. To do anything other would make them "leftists" and possibly even "followers of satan." Dogma leads to many followers and it is DOGMA which is more important than truth. The truth ostracizes while dogma unites. They should call their movement "dogma tellers" and not "truth tellers" or better yet, "Choir Tellers" as in preaching to...