Saturday, August 20, 2011

Perils of Right-Wing Christian "Truthtellers"


Here you go, what I warn against all the time.  Truth telling right wing christians claiming to have a monopoly on truth, righteousness and spiritual awareness...

"Christians must oppose the Jewish religious/Talmudic vendetta against Christianity, white culture and even American borders. Yet our enemy is not the various non-white peoples who are seeking a better life! (To his credit, Duke also acknowledges this.)
Christianity teaches that all individuals and all races are equal where it really matters—in God’s love for them and their equal opportunity to make free will choices for Him, resulting in eternal life in heaven. The starving, AIDS-infected baby dying in Sudan is no less valuable to God than a Jewish or Gentile child playing in a cozy New York townhouse. The great equalizer in Christianity is the enormous power that Jesus gives to all who trust in Him, regardless of our natural gifts, to perform acts of love and deliverance. It is not just the most intelligent who should guide society, but the most loving and compassionate."

This way of thinking gets white kids raped, murdered and forces them to be subservient to non-whites.  Pike doesn't tell you that ALL NON-WHITES CULTURES AND RACES ARE RACIST against whites, how about that!  He doesn't even mention the non-white aggression against whites .  In fact, he also doesn't mention that non-whites are pouring into white countries and seeking to re-identify these countries as not white at all but MULTIRACIAL!  Whites are to have no place of their own and that's okay with him.

Christians always pull this sleight of hand.  They get you believing that racialism is only found in the white psyche and that the small minority of whites who want to preserve their heritage is somehow against god (whoever or whatever he is).  While pretending to fight against ZOG and ZION people like Pike (and there are A LOT of them in the truth-movement) frame racialism as a problem ONLY WHEN WHITES PRACTICE IT!  They also never address the insane amount of non-white crimes against whites and certainly never make it appear that non-whites can be anything but "godly."  I guess only white people buy into this suicidal religion which preaches suffering as a means of enlightenment; as if the more you suffer the more your soul is being cleansed.  What a crock.  His whole reasoning is based on a similar philosophy known as cultural marxism which states "if you haven't reaped the fruits of diversity yet you haven't suffered long enough."

I criticize some whites in the know and all whites who don't care about their race but never on the basis that racialism is counterproductive, quite the contrary.  I believe that ego needs to be set aside and that people like Pike who REQUIRE followers will always cater to what they think the majority of their listeners/readers want to hear.  The truth is that whites are starting from scratch in cultivating pride and familiarity among their own.  If vanity and condescending elitism is practiced against one of your own you aren't developing communities but rivalries...That is my story and I'm sticking to it.  I always knew Pike would pull a stunt like this and he can just join the rest of those who claim to want to fight Zion but still adhere to it's principles...TOD

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