Friday, August 19, 2011

Basketball brawl breaks out

China is considered the aggressor and yes, once again, blacks are the victims. I guess no one told the chinese that it is racist to protect yourself against black aggression LOL...

Wow, shoe is on the other foot now.  The Bayi Rockets (Chinese Team) got 57 Free Throws to Georgetown's 15...Hmmm, who was the more aggressive team you think?  According to Youtubers it was the Chinese who were the aggressors; well, what do you expect from a nation who worships blacks?  I guess no one told the Chinese that it's racism to fight back against black aggression.  Youtubers were also crying the blues about how dirty the chinese are while playing sports.  It's funny how people will always come to the defense of blacks and also funny that a team sent to China to represent America was all black.

I think it's going to be quite interesting to watch how a country like america (which will have a non-white majority soon) will handle an economic powerhouse like china, especially when the chinese don't care about words like "racism."  What you see on this basketball court is a microcosm of political things to come.  A majority non-white america representing YOU white man and Uncle Sammy (Davis Jr) will be asking you to show your support for the new negro republic.  Once it is a majority non-white country THEY (the non-whites) will be forced to deal with China who owns most american assets.

Patriotism is racial for ALL other races YET it is racism for whites to want their own self-governance.  China is coming and it may be the straw that breaks the multi-cultural back of america.  Don't be fooled white man, let it go.  The trajectory america is on means your extinction.  China may be the wildcard which ends the multicultural marxist experiment.  I think whites won't stand up for themselves and appears that the chinese aren't afraid of being called "racist."  White people are too busy being both afraid of blacks and worshiping them simultaneously.  Resisting them means not only getting your ass kicked but going to jail as well.  I don't think the chinese have this psychological disparity...TOD

China is Chinese, crazy huh? I wonder if they consider America Negro?  I had a latino teacher in college tell me once that I'd better learn spanish if I wanted to work in the USA because I'll have a latino boss someday.  Well, I'm thinking that times have changed since then.  I wonder if he's telling students in 2011 that they better be learning chinese because china owns so much american debt that if they (the chinese) cash in they'll be working for china.  So many blacks and latinos are having children with the intent of running america someday but, ironically enough,  they will wake up one day and find that crying racism only works against whites.  Their new chinese masters of which they are indebted to will just purge and flush without remorse...

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