Monday, August 29, 2011

Bachmann and the zionist crackpots who love her

"The greatest speech by an American leader on Israel. This is what America needs in the White House. Seriously, this is greatness. What a breath of fresh air and righteousness in Obama's current climate of hatred and jihad-enabling."

Go to the site if you want to see crazy at work.  It's truly amazing to see people fawn over Bachmann BECAUSE SHE IS PRO-ZIONIST & PRO-ISRAELI AND NOT ALL ALL BECAUSE SHE IS PRO-AMERICA (although the two seem to be inseparable, I admit).  Also, it's also amazing that Obama gave the zionists everything they wanted (war in libya, bank bailouts and AIPAC complicity ect) yet HE IS DEMONIZED BY THE VERY PEOPLE HE GROVELS TO!  I believe "chutzpuh" is the correct term for this ugly display...

BTW, we hear so much about the luciferian left who runs the government and serves Israel yet right wing christian zionists, what are they?  I see the right doing all the damage and their big mouths are all I hear so why does the right wing get a free pass?  How can anyone in the know talk about the left as though it's worse than the right?  Liars and sanctimonious sycophants using the right wing as a cover for fake anti-big government nepotism.  I say there are more enemies on the right, calling themselves right wing conservatives destroying America than any other group.  The "truth monopoly" by these right wing truthers needs to have it's death grip removed...TOD

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