ThoughtCrime: 01/14/08
Zündel Attorney Sentenced to 3 1/2 years in "Democratic" Germany
Sylvia Stoltz, the former attorney for Ernst Zündel, has been convicted for Holocaust denial in the once democratic Germany. Shockingly, Stolz, who was hired to defend Zündel, who has been imprisoned in Germany for Holocaust denial now finds herself sentenced to 3 1/2 years in prison. In addition she has been banned by the court from practicing law for five years.
Zündel's second trial ended in February, 2007 with his conviction for denying the Holocaust. He was sentenced to the maximum of five years in prison.
Germany, a country which frequently violates basic human rights, has made it virtually impossible to defend oneself against "Holocaust denial" charges. Defense of a Holocaust denier or even judging in one's favor could result in persecution of the attorney or judge involved.
During Zündel's trial, Stolz called the Holocaust "the biggest lie in world history." Rather than showing Zündel and Stolz wrong based on solid historical information, the Judge has used the draconian German legal system to stifle free speech.
In his sentencing, the judge said that she had used the trial to deny the Holocaust and to spread revisionist ideas. Truth is not a defense in Germany.
"Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death."
George Orwell
And the patriot who made it all possible;
German Chancellor Angela MerkelMerkel is not jewish, black, mexican, indian, chinese or a muslim. She is white & by default accepted (because she is white) into the white nationalist self-determination struggle. It seems that white rights advocates are more interested in not alienating whites by constantly referring to whites as "victims" than actually doing what needs to be done (ie: discussing the predominant role of treacherous whites). Most whites ARE NOT victims but active participants in their own peoples' extinction and absorption into the non-white gene pools of the world. Merkel is a good example of how she is selecting those of other races with the courage to resist to displace those of HER OWN RACE with courage to resist.
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