"As Republican officials accelerate their efforts to weaken environmental regulations and attack climate scientists, energy corporations are reaping the benefits of a decades-long effort to put a more benevolent, humanitarian, and even religious spin to their anti-environmental activism. Among their most valuable allies are the Religious Right organizations and leaders who have emerged as ready apologists for polluters and critics of efforts to protect the environment. The Religious Right’s attacks are intended to lend credence to the efforts of corporations and the GOP to quash the Environmental Protection Agency and chip away at state and federal environmental safeguards. And increasingly, Republican leaders themselves are echoing the same misleading arguments and themes of the Religious Right’s corporate apologists."Read the whole fantastic article here:
That says it all really...Is it "liberal" to want to protect the environment or is it "liberal"
to want to destroy it? The answer is that the liberals are those who want to overpopulate the earth and destroy the environment. To protect something is to want to conserve something. Right wing republican christians are the ones pushing to weaken all sorts of preventative measures and sustainability seems to NOT be in their vocabulary. The "right wing" seems to be the very thing they claim to hate in "liberals."
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