Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Green World Religion, I'm game!

Agenda 21 Indoctrination Going Global at Warp Speed

  Jorge Mascarillo




 Here is what this Snake Charmer Has to Say About the coming "Green World Religion."  The only Agenda is a CHRISTIAN ONE being used to rape the world and make as many babies (with the potential to become christians) as possible.  Sorry but all life IS NOT SACRED, HOLY, DESCENT, LOVING, COMPASSIONATE ECT...Anyone who tells you that is a liar, thief and extortionist who preys on suffering and anyone who tells you that all life has a potential to be these things is absolutely ignorant and/or devisive in terms of human nature.

"It is humorous how they changed the name from global warming to “climate change”, because the planet may not be warming after all and nobody can deny that the climate…changes. The climate changes just as the sun rises. “Fighting” climate change would be like fighting the rising of the sun. Maybe we should nuke the sun?
In this new course, the topics include: “ecosystems, environment, society, development and sustainability.” If focuses heavily on the importance of the environment and understanding it from a “global perspective”, not beginning from a local perspective!
Furthermore, there is a heavy focus on resource availability, demand and population growth. The underlying thread of the eugenics nature of the environmental movement and their utter obsession with human population and the eradication of the cancer known as man is clearly evident here."

More right-wing religious anti-environment idiocy.  Talk about projection, calling the "Green Movement" a religious cult.  Sorry, the cult is within the camp of those humanist christians who think ecological sustainability may lessen church control over peoples' right to limit their own birthrate.  The environment for these people is tied in to birth control.  If the christians have their way they will create a dystopian nightmare where they can rule over the masses who will kill each other for basic necessities of life.  It's a form of control disguised as benevolence.  Right Wing Christian nuts go to 3rd world countries and tell the natives there NOT to use any form of birth control.  THEN, they get to fly back to whatever gated community they live in with their 2 car garage and an acre of land.  This is the hypocrisy of these people.  The right wing may be more evil than left wingers, I'm not sure.  At least the left puts on the pretense that they care about the environment.  If right wingers had their way they would open up every refuge in America and drill, would pave every animal habitat to build condos and banks and would make it illegal to be vegetarian.  Also, I think the right wing is more dangerous because it has the whole christian psychosis thing going on which promotes delusions of grandeur and also a MASSIVE disconnect with reality.  Old neighborhoods I used to live in ARE NOW SWAMPED WITH PEOPLE and living conditions have become so poor that I refuse to visit them.  Overpopulation is connected with consumerism, exploitation and dysgenics.  I always find it hysterical when right wingers go ONE AND ON ABOUT THE EVILS OF EUGENICS and connect eugenics to population control.  Uhm, I don't know where you went to school Mr and Mrs Christians but in Biology I leaned that those species which have less offspring are better taken care of individually than that parent which must take care of many.  Christianity = Dysgenics and Environmentalists = Eugenics...OK, makes sense to me but what does that say about those promoting dysgenics?  Tao Of Duplicity

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