Tuesday, July 5, 2011

If the left is "evil" what is the right?

Are These GOP Candidates Running For President of the U.S.—or Israel?


"Although Sarah Palin was not among the seven Republican hopefuls who participated in the most recent June 13 GOP debates, she would have certainly found herself right at home with other high-profile politicians who have already pledged their allegiance to the Zionist agenda.
Aside from Ron Paul, the current lineup of pseudo-conservative presidential wannabes has demonstrated a biased affection for Israel at the expense of all other international relationships, and even over the best interests of the United States."

Oh, but these are "fake" right wingers, correct?  Reminds me of "fake" christians or "fake" jews.  We are supposed to believe the right wing is better than the left.  I hear over and over again how bad the liberal left wingers are and nothing but right wing apologists who spout their dogmas as somehow being the REAL right wing conservatives.  Look, if you cling to a right wing, left wing, christian or liberal dogma you are dishonest.  You expect the truth to come from a form of collectivism.  Anyone who identifies themselves with a movement does so not because they care about "truth" but because it allows them to preach to a choir, to be a part of a "team" and because they want to climb a hierarchy which makes them feel "important."  Feeling "important" is more times than not synonymous with feeling "superior."  What's wrong with feeling "superior" you ask?  Well, needing the very people you look down upon is sociopathic (or as I like to refer to it socio-pathetic), plain and simple...Tao Of Duplicity

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