Tao Of Duplicity Radio Show
- TOD 10-13-11 Elitism vs Racial Solidarity; There Can Be Only One
- TOD 9-29-11 The Zio-Nazi Conundrum
- TOD 9-25-11 You Are The Meat, Not The Meek
- TOD 9-9-11 Dualism, Moral Relativism and Duplicity
- TOD 8-28-11 Duplicity By Any Other Name
- TOD 8-21-11 The Refugees You Never See
- TOD 8-15-11 As Below So Above
- TOD 8-8-11 Racial Survival 101
- TOD 7-23-11 White & Impolite
- TOD 7-9-11 White Community vs White Grift
- TOD 7-2-11 Human Resources, Assets and Ego As Truth
- TOD 6-25-11 Cause & Effect Not Good & Evil
- TOD 6-18-11 Show me yours and I'll show you mine
- TOD 6-11-11 FIRST SHOW
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
The ‘Green Dragon’ Slayers: How the Religious Right and the Corporate Right are Joining Forces to Fight Environmental Protection
Read the whole fantastic article here:
Read the whole fantastic article here:
That says it all really...Is it "liberal" to want to protect the environment or is it "liberal"
to want to destroy it? The answer is that the liberals are those who want to overpopulate the earth and destroy the environment. To protect something is to want to conserve something. Right wing republican christians are the ones pushing to weaken all sorts of preventative measures and sustainability seems to NOT be in their vocabulary. The "right wing" seems to be the very thing they claim to hate in "liberals."
"As Republican officials accelerate their efforts to weaken environmental regulations and attack climate scientists, energy corporations are reaping the benefits of a decades-long effort to put a more benevolent, humanitarian, and even religious spin to their anti-environmental activism. Among their most valuable allies are the Religious Right organizations and leaders who have emerged as ready apologists for polluters and critics of efforts to protect the environment. The Religious Right’s attacks are intended to lend credence to the efforts of corporations and the GOP to quash the Environmental Protection Agency and chip away at state and federal environmental safeguards. And increasingly, Republican leaders themselves are echoing the same misleading arguments and themes of the Religious Right’s corporate apologists."Read the whole fantastic article here:
That says it all really...Is it "liberal" to want to protect the environment or is it "liberal"
to want to destroy it? The answer is that the liberals are those who want to overpopulate the earth and destroy the environment. To protect something is to want to conserve something. Right wing republican christians are the ones pushing to weaken all sorts of preventative measures and sustainability seems to NOT be in their vocabulary. The "right wing" seems to be the very thing they claim to hate in "liberals."
Thursday, July 14, 2011
A Green World Religion, I'm game!
In this new course, the topics include: “ecosystems, environment, society, development and sustainability.” If focuses heavily on the importance of the environment and understanding it from a “global perspective”, not beginning from a local perspective!
Furthermore, there is a heavy focus on resource availability, demand and population growth. The underlying thread of the eugenics nature of the environmental movement and their utter obsession with human population and the eradication of the cancer known as man is clearly evident here."
More right-wing religious anti-environment idiocy. Talk about projection, calling the "Green Movement" a religious cult. Sorry, the cult is within the camp of those humanist christians who think ecological sustainability may lessen church control over peoples' right to limit their own birthrate. The environment for these people is tied in to birth control. If the christians have their way they will create a dystopian nightmare where they can rule over the masses who will kill each other for basic necessities of life. It's a form of control disguised as benevolence. Right Wing Christian nuts go to 3rd world countries and tell the natives there NOT to use any form of birth control. THEN, they get to fly back to whatever gated community they live in with their 2 car garage and an acre of land. This is the hypocrisy of these people. The right wing may be more evil than left wingers, I'm not sure. At least the left puts on the pretense that they care about the environment. If right wingers had their way they would open up every refuge in America and drill, would pave every animal habitat to build condos and banks and would make it illegal to be vegetarian. Also, I think the right wing is more dangerous because it has the whole christian psychosis thing going on which promotes delusions of grandeur and also a MASSIVE disconnect with reality. Old neighborhoods I used to live in ARE NOW SWAMPED WITH PEOPLE and living conditions have become so poor that I refuse to visit them. Overpopulation is connected with consumerism, exploitation and dysgenics. I always find it hysterical when right wingers go ONE AND ON ABOUT THE EVILS OF EUGENICS and connect eugenics to population control. Uhm, I don't know where you went to school Mr and Mrs Christians but in Biology I leaned that those species which have less offspring are better taken care of individually than that parent which must take care of many. Christianity = Dysgenics and Environmentalists = Eugenics...OK, makes sense to me but what does that say about those promoting dysgenics? Tao Of Duplicity
Agenda 21 Indoctrination Going Global at Warp Speed
Jorge Mascarillo
Here is what this Snake Charmer Has to Say About the coming "Green World Religion." The only Agenda is a CHRISTIAN ONE being used to rape the world and make as many babies (with the potential to become christians) as possible. Sorry but all life IS NOT SACRED, HOLY, DESCENT, LOVING, COMPASSIONATE ECT...Anyone who tells you that is a liar, thief and extortionist who preys on suffering and anyone who tells you that all life has a potential to be these things is absolutely ignorant and/or devisive in terms of human nature.
"It is humorous how they changed the name from global warming to “climate change”, because the planet may not be warming after all and nobody can deny that the climate…changes. The climate changes just as the sun rises. “Fighting” climate change would be like fighting the rising of the sun. Maybe we should nuke the sun?In this new course, the topics include: “ecosystems, environment, society, development and sustainability.” If focuses heavily on the importance of the environment and understanding it from a “global perspective”, not beginning from a local perspective!
Furthermore, there is a heavy focus on resource availability, demand and population growth. The underlying thread of the eugenics nature of the environmental movement and their utter obsession with human population and the eradication of the cancer known as man is clearly evident here."
More right-wing religious anti-environment idiocy. Talk about projection, calling the "Green Movement" a religious cult. Sorry, the cult is within the camp of those humanist christians who think ecological sustainability may lessen church control over peoples' right to limit their own birthrate. The environment for these people is tied in to birth control. If the christians have their way they will create a dystopian nightmare where they can rule over the masses who will kill each other for basic necessities of life. It's a form of control disguised as benevolence. Right Wing Christian nuts go to 3rd world countries and tell the natives there NOT to use any form of birth control. THEN, they get to fly back to whatever gated community they live in with their 2 car garage and an acre of land. This is the hypocrisy of these people. The right wing may be more evil than left wingers, I'm not sure. At least the left puts on the pretense that they care about the environment. If right wingers had their way they would open up every refuge in America and drill, would pave every animal habitat to build condos and banks and would make it illegal to be vegetarian. Also, I think the right wing is more dangerous because it has the whole christian psychosis thing going on which promotes delusions of grandeur and also a MASSIVE disconnect with reality. Old neighborhoods I used to live in ARE NOW SWAMPED WITH PEOPLE and living conditions have become so poor that I refuse to visit them. Overpopulation is connected with consumerism, exploitation and dysgenics. I always find it hysterical when right wingers go ONE AND ON ABOUT THE EVILS OF EUGENICS and connect eugenics to population control. Uhm, I don't know where you went to school Mr and Mrs Christians but in Biology I leaned that those species which have less offspring are better taken care of individually than that parent which must take care of many. Christianity = Dysgenics and Environmentalists = Eugenics...OK, makes sense to me but what does that say about those promoting dysgenics? Tao Of Duplicity
Monday, July 11, 2011
Sweden cheers it's own genocide
Wow, watch the Swedes cheer their own genocide! You'd think the United Nations just gave Sweden a green light to protect it's borders judging by the smiling white faces in the audience but no, it's just the opposite. Swedes pride themselves on how white they are but welcome "diversity," it's actually quite pathological. I was in Sweden a short time and found the Swedish people very proud of their genes ironically enough and also very arrogant because of the fair phenotype, as if their genes make them better; apparently blonde hair, blue eyes and tall stature doesn't account for much with regards to protecting their own people from the 3rd world horde. I've also seen more Swedes than many other European nations working hard to make Sweden inclusive for non-whites.
I believe whites in western europe are addicted to the status quo and that means welcoming non-whites into their lands. It is amazing to see the dazzled look in the eyes of these Swedes as they listen to the race-baiting Jesse Jackson speak. Ask yourself, are those Swedes in the audience victims or active participants with regards to welcoming non-whites into their country? Notice how Jackson said Chinese, Muslims and Africans must be accepted into Sweden and not South African Whites, Australians or White Americans. The funny part is that white foreigners would probably have a hell of a time immigrating to Sweden yet every public service is probably made free to a non-white who wants to live there. What the hell is Jackson doing in Sweden telling those people they need multiculturalism? What the hell is wrong with whites who listen to this Jackson character and not ask him why he's choosing Sweden for this bulls**t?
As it stands I believe whites will deserve their extinction and all the wonderful details leading up to it. Most whites will tell you that natural selection is the law of the land and if an animal can't cut it, well, it dies off. So too with the white race. It seems that the white genome can't hack this brave new world & is choosing to lay down and die. Ultimately, the mixing will only kill the white gene because it's recessive. Look at Obama! If you didn't know his mother was white you'd think he was a full-blooded black man and not just half. That's all it takes to lose the white phenotype, one generation of mixing. Other races (being dominant) will always be able to fall back on their dominant gene and retain their racial identity.
I believe the white race has spoken and has chosen death. Us whites who resist will have it rough till our time comes and you can thank those treacherous, cowardly whites as seen in the video for that. Those you see in the video ARE THE TRUE ENEMY and the non-whites who take advantage are just symptoms of a disease. I say to all who hear my words, turn your sights on those traitors among you and make their lives hell if you can. Whites who accept this KILL US ALL by proxy and no one is addressing them. The other races do what they can for THEIR OWN PEOPLE and are not the main problem. Stop begging for white acceptance and confront these people! Make them more afraid of crossing white solidarity than of losing a status quo reputation. Tao Of Duplicity
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
Zündel Attorney Sentenced to 3 1/2 years in "Democratic" Germany
ThoughtCrime: 01/14/08
Sylvia Stoltz, the former attorney for Ernst Zündel, has been convicted for Holocaust denial in the once democratic Germany. Shockingly, Stolz, who was hired to defend Zündel, who has been imprisoned in Germany for Holocaust denial now finds herself sentenced to 3 1/2 years in prison. In addition she has been banned by the court from practicing law for five years.
Stolz represented Zündel in his first trial in Germany, which collapsed after she was banned from the proceedings.Zündel was deported from the United States in 2003 for alleged immigration violations.Zündel was intially sent to Canada. The Canadian government arrested Zündel upon his arrival and held him until March 2005 when a judge ruled that this peaceful man posed a threat to national and international security. Following this ruling, Zündel found himself deported to Germany.
Zündel's second trial ended in February, 2007 with his conviction for denying the Holocaust. He was sentenced to the maximum of five years in prison.
Germany, a country which frequently violates basic human rights, has made it virtually impossible to defend oneself against "Holocaust denial" charges. Defense of a Holocaust denier or even judging in one's favor could result in persecution of the attorney or judge involved.
During Zündel's trial, Stolz called the Holocaust "the biggest lie in world history." Rather than showing Zündel and Stolz wrong based on solid historical information, the Judge has used the draconian German legal system to stifle free speech.
In his sentencing, the judge said that she had used the trial to deny the Holocaust and to spread revisionist ideas. Truth is not a defense in Germany.
"Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death."
ThoughtCrime: 01/14/08
Zündel Attorney Sentenced to 3 1/2 years in "Democratic" Germany
Sylvia Stoltz, the former attorney for Ernst Zündel, has been convicted for Holocaust denial in the once democratic Germany. Shockingly, Stolz, who was hired to defend Zündel, who has been imprisoned in Germany for Holocaust denial now finds herself sentenced to 3 1/2 years in prison. In addition she has been banned by the court from practicing law for five years.
Zündel's second trial ended in February, 2007 with his conviction for denying the Holocaust. He was sentenced to the maximum of five years in prison.
Germany, a country which frequently violates basic human rights, has made it virtually impossible to defend oneself against "Holocaust denial" charges. Defense of a Holocaust denier or even judging in one's favor could result in persecution of the attorney or judge involved.
During Zündel's trial, Stolz called the Holocaust "the biggest lie in world history." Rather than showing Zündel and Stolz wrong based on solid historical information, the Judge has used the draconian German legal system to stifle free speech.
In his sentencing, the judge said that she had used the trial to deny the Holocaust and to spread revisionist ideas. Truth is not a defense in Germany.
"Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death."
George Orwell
And the patriot who made it all possible;
German Chancellor Angela MerkelMerkel is not jewish, black, mexican, indian, chinese or a muslim. She is white & by default accepted (because she is white) into the white nationalist self-determination struggle. It seems that white rights advocates are more interested in not alienating whites by constantly referring to whites as "victims" than actually doing what needs to be done (ie: discussing the predominant role of treacherous whites). Most whites ARE NOT victims but active participants in their own peoples' extinction and absorption into the non-white gene pools of the world. Merkel is a good example of how she is selecting those of other races with the courage to resist to displace those of HER OWN RACE with courage to resist.
Outspoken China author leaves homeland for Germany
BEIJING (AP) — An outspoken Chinese writer and government critic has left his homeland for Germany after police repeatedly threatened him with imprisonment to prevent him from publishing any more of his controversial works overseas.
Wow, this is amazing because Germany doesn't even tolerate IT'S OWN POLITICAL DISSIDENTS!!! How screwed up is that??? Germany has ABSOLUTELY ZERO TOLERANCE for any form of white dissent. I guess this is a good duplicitous way for Germany to save face by accepting political dissenters from foreign countries; it makes it seem as though they are a haven for freedom of speech. What a pathetic joke. Germany is one of the worst countries in the west for freedom of speech and accepting foreigners who face imprisonment because their country doesn't allow them to speak is just so hypocritical and fills me with disgust that I am really starting to despise that country. I guess having the reputation of being the economic powerhouse of Europe comes with the responsibility of being hypocritical as well.
BEIJING (AP) — An outspoken Chinese writer and government critic has left his homeland for Germany after police repeatedly threatened him with imprisonment to prevent him from publishing any more of his controversial works overseas.
Wow, this is amazing because Germany doesn't even tolerate IT'S OWN POLITICAL DISSIDENTS!!! How screwed up is that??? Germany has ABSOLUTELY ZERO TOLERANCE for any form of white dissent. I guess this is a good duplicitous way for Germany to save face by accepting political dissenters from foreign countries; it makes it seem as though they are a haven for freedom of speech. What a pathetic joke. Germany is one of the worst countries in the west for freedom of speech and accepting foreigners who face imprisonment because their country doesn't allow them to speak is just so hypocritical and fills me with disgust that I am really starting to despise that country. I guess having the reputation of being the economic powerhouse of Europe comes with the responsibility of being hypocritical as well.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Processed Meats Declared Too Dangerous for Human Consumption
The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) has just completed a detailed review of more than 7,000 clinical studies covering links between diet and cancer. Its conclusion is rocking the health world with startling bluntness: Processed meats are too dangerous for human consumption. Consumers should stop buying and eating all processed meat products for the rest of their lives.
Oh no, another left wing conspiracy trying to infringe on your hedonism; better vote vote for Palin or Bachmann because they'd never tell you what to do. How dare the WCRF, it must be the jewish global conspiracy again, fearmongering us all not to be ignorant consumers. Eating meat could cause cancer, what will they think of next? Indulging in vice doesn't make the trans-national corporations rich and able to control politics, does it? Eating meat must make people live longer because every organization is controlled and they want to eliminate most of the global population, correct??? So, the WCRF must be a zionist controlled agency trying to get people to limit their meat intake because NOT eating meat will kill people...Does that make sense to you? If so then the brainwashing is working...Oppose the opposition is my recommendation. Tao Of Duplicity
The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) has just completed a detailed review of more than 7,000 clinical studies covering links between diet and cancer. Its conclusion is rocking the health world with startling bluntness: Processed meats are too dangerous for human consumption. Consumers should stop buying and eating all processed meat products for the rest of their lives.
Oh no, another left wing conspiracy trying to infringe on your hedonism; better vote vote for Palin or Bachmann because they'd never tell you what to do. How dare the WCRF, it must be the jewish global conspiracy again, fearmongering us all not to be ignorant consumers. Eating meat could cause cancer, what will they think of next? Indulging in vice doesn't make the trans-national corporations rich and able to control politics, does it? Eating meat must make people live longer because every organization is controlled and they want to eliminate most of the global population, correct??? So, the WCRF must be a zionist controlled agency trying to get people to limit their meat intake because NOT eating meat will kill people...Does that make sense to you? If so then the brainwashing is working...Oppose the opposition is my recommendation. Tao Of Duplicity
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
If the left is "evil" what is the right?
Are These GOP Candidates Running For President of the U.S.—or Israel?
http://republicbroadcasting.org/?p=15807"Although Sarah Palin was not among the seven Republican hopefuls who participated in the most recent June 13 GOP debates, she would have certainly found herself right at home with other high-profile politicians who have already pledged their allegiance to the Zionist agenda.
Aside from Ron Paul, the current lineup of pseudo-conservative presidential wannabes has demonstrated a biased affection for Israel at the expense of all other international relationships, and even over the best interests of the United States."
Oh, but these are "fake" right wingers, correct? Reminds me of "fake" christians or "fake" jews. We are supposed to believe the right wing is better than the left. I hear over and over again how bad the liberal left wingers are and nothing but right wing apologists who spout their dogmas as somehow being the REAL right wing conservatives. Look, if you cling to a right wing, left wing, christian or liberal dogma you are dishonest. You expect the truth to come from a form of collectivism. Anyone who identifies themselves with a movement does so not because they care about "truth" but because it allows them to preach to a choir, to be a part of a "team" and because they want to climb a hierarchy which makes them feel "important." Feeling "important" is more times than not synonymous with feeling "superior." What's wrong with feeling "superior" you ask? Well, needing the very people you look down upon is sociopathic (or as I like to refer to it socio-pathetic), plain and simple...Tao Of Duplicity
Friday, July 1, 2011
US drones kill 8 in Pakistan
The unmanned X-47B jet (AFP Photo / Northrop Grumman)
I never knew what these looked like. This is a very expensive picture because it's the colsest you'll probably ever come to one of these although MANY of your tax dollars go to fund them.
"Dispensing with the need for human intervention, the X-47B can carry out pre-programmed missions autonomously - with a computer handling everything from take off, landing and even mid-air refuelling.
It is also the first drone said to be capable of launching from and landing on a sea borne aircraft carrier.
Defence firm Northrop Grumman, who were awarded the the $636 million (£400 million) US Navy contract to build the plane in August 2007, are expected to start carrier trials for the drone in 2013 - with no word yet on when it might make it into the field."
Apparently they decided not to wait until 2013 and Obama is using the drones in Pakistan while America is bleeding to death. We live in a world of gluttons and sadists it seems, operating on the council of duplicitous opportunists and elitists. All, of course, under the umbrella of humanism and humanitarianism. How are YOU any different and what makes you think you should deserve better? From what I have seen in my experience this is what people have been wishing for all along. Look behind the facade and you'll see a sadist staring back at you. You work like a slave in order to prop up a government built on elitism to kill people you know nothing about...Sounds about right to me, just ask people what their favorite tv show is and it'll all make sense...
The unmanned X-47B jet (AFP Photo / Northrop Grumman)
I never knew what these looked like. This is a very expensive picture because it's the colsest you'll probably ever come to one of these although MANY of your tax dollars go to fund them.
"Dispensing with the need for human intervention, the X-47B can carry out pre-programmed missions autonomously - with a computer handling everything from take off, landing and even mid-air refuelling.
It is also the first drone said to be capable of launching from and landing on a sea borne aircraft carrier.
Defence firm Northrop Grumman, who were awarded the the $636 million (£400 million) US Navy contract to build the plane in August 2007, are expected to start carrier trials for the drone in 2013 - with no word yet on when it might make it into the field."
Apparently they decided not to wait until 2013 and Obama is using the drones in Pakistan while America is bleeding to death. We live in a world of gluttons and sadists it seems, operating on the council of duplicitous opportunists and elitists. All, of course, under the umbrella of humanism and humanitarianism. How are YOU any different and what makes you think you should deserve better? From what I have seen in my experience this is what people have been wishing for all along. Look behind the facade and you'll see a sadist staring back at you. You work like a slave in order to prop up a government built on elitism to kill people you know nothing about...Sounds about right to me, just ask people what their favorite tv show is and it'll all make sense...
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