Friday, April 22, 2011

White genes are recessive and therefore weaker?!?!?

Just read this on a weightlifting blog of all places.  More "proof" I guess that to be white is to be weak and whites should be doing everything possible to rid themselves of their identity.  I guess this form of bias is acceptable in our enlightened american society.
"White people ended up getting things like fair skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes as a mutation because of the ice age. That was a long time ago and in this modern time it's beneficial to be darker. Hence, this is why those traits are carried in recessive genes. This means white people carry weak genes and biology does its work by getting rid of the recessive gene when competing with a dominant gene.

If science isn't enough of a reason why blonde girls should considering dating non-white guys then I don't know what is.

People with fair skin and blonde hair are more likely to get skin cancer. It's for your own protection girls.

Mother nature seems to be showing this must happen too since blonde girls are naturally attracted to darker men."

A response:

"they should come back to europe where they belong"

First guy again:

"It's 2010 dude. The world is for the human race so enough of this bull**** about people going back to their continent of origin.

Actually, we all have a common ancestor in Africa so we're of the same lineage if you go back far enough in history."

So what I gather is that being white is a thing of the past and to want to retain those traits which make one white translates into antiquated thinking.  We are all the "human race" but white genes are more prone to illness so we should blend and wipe them out.  Actually, it is admitted in this statement that white genes will not exist if blended enough.  They are practically lost if they blend only once, just look at Obama.  You can't tell he has any white blood in him at all and his mother was 100% white.  So whitey, for your own sake, for the sake of healthier genes and for the sake of forward thinking please recessive your genes out of existence.  The world will be a better place when everyone has dark skin.  Get jiggy with that science and shit, motha natcha is a sista who needs a blacker planet dawg...

P.S. No such thing as the "Human Race", it's the Human Species which subdivides into racial categories.  But yo, we can make that shit up as we go along...Whatever gets white girls into the sack with non-white men right??? 

P.S.S. I know a guy who was surprised and disappointed that his newborn didn't resemble himself at all.  The blonde hair, fair skin and blue eyes were completely lost and the child looked like the mother 100% (dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin).   He says he doesn't see race but it's only his own he fails to see, especially now reflected back to him everyday.  

 Product of a white mother

 White genes lost 100%   So, white + non-white = non-white.  Are recessive genes "weak" or "unique?"  Does dominant genes mean all recessive genes must submit?  Does that sound like the liberal america you know?  We are told whites dominate non-whites everyday but we are also told that non-whites such as jews and blacks are superior...Does that sound duplicitous?  

Link to the site where I reference the genetic genius who posted his ignorance of science & reality:

There are some people who think genocide against white people is different from genocide against other races.  If I said ANY of the things this knob said about white people I'd be accused of hate and everything associated with it.  When it's directed at WHITE people it's ok because it's for the good of humanity.  Duplicity is fun!!!

1 comment:

  1. Black families can actually do the math in a neighborhood of black people there is least two to three members in every family that have either been killed or put in prison... The government knows that white officers kills at a more higher rate than any other group of people in the United States... And if you wonder why I keep saying white officers because it is a fact that white males are the number one murderers in the United States... If whites don't believe me do the work for yourself. You have phones you have Wi-Fi you have internet do the work for yourself... But I believe white people know what they are capable of and what they do they just don't like to admit it... Damn near every black author that killed a white person does time... How many white police officers have done time do to killing a black person. Probably 3 to 8 at the most and that's throughout a 50 year span. White officers are never charged with killing blacks and even when the whole world seen that white officer killed George Floyd. It didn't make not one bit of a difference because it was so many other murders by white officers what weeks and months after that in the same manner.... So before an ignorant white person wants to go say that blacks kill more... Do your research in your work on who really kills more because the world can see that white people kill more than blacks
