Tao Of Duplicity Radio Show
- TOD 10-13-11 Elitism vs Racial Solidarity; There Can Be Only One
- TOD 9-29-11 The Zio-Nazi Conundrum
- TOD 9-25-11 You Are The Meat, Not The Meek
- TOD 9-9-11 Dualism, Moral Relativism and Duplicity
- TOD 8-28-11 Duplicity By Any Other Name
- TOD 8-21-11 The Refugees You Never See
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- TOD 7-9-11 White Community vs White Grift
- TOD 7-2-11 Human Resources, Assets and Ego As Truth
- TOD 6-25-11 Cause & Effect Not Good & Evil
- TOD 6-18-11 Show me yours and I'll show you mine
- TOD 6-11-11 FIRST SHOW
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
There's no such thing as "The White Race" only "The Human Race", some restrictions apply
There is a LOT I can say about the NWO, Jones, Bermas, Zeitgeist and Jesus but the most dangerous & pervasive issue I find in this video which rebukes the "Zeitgeist" film is the claim of "depopulation." Zeitgeist is a documentary about how the New World Order has (and is) proceeding. It attempts to inform the viewer of the "complete story" regarding world domination, past and present
Now there are two schools of thought by great writers of the past regarding this issue. Some will say the population will increase until no other life but humans are left on the planet and some say there will be a culling of some kind which will reduce the world's population drastically. Anyone with common sense and eyes to see will tell you that everywhere they go there are MORE people, not less. No parking, traffic, lines everywhere and the inability to just go to the supermarket without the stampede of people pushing and shoving. What we DO hear all the time is how species of ANIMALS are going extinct but, being humans and humanistic, most will worry that humans don't have enough of one thing or the other, animals and nature be damned. The beauty of nature and it's demise (ie: BP Spill) doesn't seem to trouble people and what's funny is that it's never calculated within their "depopulation" equation. My opinion is that most people take nature for granted and really believe they can live without it. I know, it sounds crazy but if I may pull a quick non-sequitur, I've found there are a number of people that believe two negroes without blonde hair and blue eyes could produce a child with said attributes. These are white people discussing this and I believe that saying something which feels/sounds good has become more relevant than truth but I digress...Point being, mankind (I love that, man-kind) has become so disconnected not just with truth but with nature (although I believe one is symptomatic of the other).
Back on point, one could go months or years without seeing ANY wildlife at all but try going a single day without seeing a person so how is it we are being depopulated? What I am identifying regarding this duplicitous denial of reality is that normal humanist philosophy is a form of thinking inside the proverbial box and is solipsistic according to the law of self-gratification. Humanism is a form of bigotry and does not allow it's acolyte to see the world which exists outside the human species. The human must be part of the scenery otherwise it lacks in some way (according to what it means to be human). Ever see a person who needs to be the center of attention? Well, being a human being translates the same way except the human species needs to be first and last with regards to his avarice & the world around him. Yeah I know, all those sentimental movies regarding what it means to be human and the first association which comes to mind is "love." Well, love of self is a form of love but is not agape which has become synonymous with the concept of love. Again, this false assumption is a form of bigotry and serves one species to the detriment of all others.
Another digression, I notice there is a popular backlash against feminism and I hope to use "he" so males can feel comfortable. I wouldn't want men to feel as though they were being left out and with all of the pro-feminist types out there destroying the environment SO, we need to really represent our fellow males in the fashion they deserve so think of "he" when you think of destruction of the environment...
If we follow this logic to race what we find is that this same premise of humanist bigotry can be applied in a more subtle fashion. When we think in general terms of "the human race" we are committing a type of fraud which resembles the "lying by omission" charge. Since the Human Species is subdivided into the subspecies of race, making a general statement about the entire species when a more specific analysis must be undertaken will lead to conclusions which are counterproductive at best and genocidal at worst. Here we get to the root of the matter. Alex Jones and the entire anti-NWO crowd are in agreement that the NWO will (is?) rubbing out the entire "human race" [sic]. First off, saying there is a human race and not a species is extremely misleading and deliberately so. While claiming to fight against collectivism, Jones applies a collectivism of his own called "The Human Race." Now Jones is smart enough to know that we are a species divided into races (subspecies) and to paint humanity as one group, all the equal target of some NWO extermintation project, is a conspiracy unto itself. We don't need a NWO, not while Jones is telling us that it's ALL the "human race" is evenly at risk against this vague elite which he rants about. Also, he uses the same logic regarding the victims as he does the perpetrators. Apparently, this global elite is equally raceless and is just an amalgam of different races (all part of the human race) who have formed this rainbow coalition against the lesser bred nondescript human beings of also nondescript origin...
I'll make the conclusion simple; while painting the entire "human race" as targets of a very small elite it gives the impression that all of the subspecies have the same enemy they must fight and that all must join together to fight. This is the same as saying we need to bring the 3rd world into the 1st world and must inter-breed in order to bring about world peace. Whenever someone like Jones fails to make a racial distinction between people (ie: all the like and dislikes, cultural norms ect) they attempt to get us all thinking in one solitary way, even while claiming to fight against this universalism. Specifically, whites are a global minority and, as a race, are declining in numbers. I would say their numbers are declining all over the world but whites are endemic to their countries and therefore are not located worldwide as nonwhites are. Whites are declining in their own native demographics while non-white birthrates are soaring, not only in THEIR own demographics but also in white native lands as well. So, ultimately what I am hoping the reader will take away from this editorial is to help spot the duplicity not only in individual people like Alex Jones but also the "human race" in general. These issues cannot be addressed (such as the difference between WHITE genocide and the phony human race genocide) without first understanding what it means to have this bigotry inside first. I hate to use that word but if one is reactionary against a word, even if it has the potential to be used productively, then you will always be a pinball bouncing around in a machine of another's creation. The only way to pierce the deception outside is to do it within first and the solipsism of humanism allows those like Jones to take advantage of that part of you which remains uncovered. One must bring to heel their own duplicitous nature before attempting to understand the duplicity around them. I left off with the white race being sold damaged goods and will continue this logic into the white race itself for we are not without solipsism ourselves. In fact, we are the alpha and omega which is leading us to extinction...Until next time, Tao Of Duplicity
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Wow! Amazing post... You really brought the duplicity of the supposed "population crises" to the surface so clearly.
ReplyDeleteI look around me and all I see is the damage done by human beings... Pollution, destruction of natural habitats and animals, and just general degradation of quality of life. The very qualities that make living worthwhile in my opinion. Such as clean air, clear skies, and a pretty robin singing its spring song.
I recently took a trip a bit down south where they are having some trouble with illegal immigration, and all I can say is that it was a sea of madness. Everything was a mess, and full, I mean packed to the brim with people. Everyplace I went. So I totally hear what your saying about the fact that there obviously is no plan for mass extermination of people on this planet!!!
If anything there is a plan to over-populate, to breed more consumers, to pollute the earth even more and make natural resources like clean air and water a precious commodity.
Awesome post Tao of Duplicity