Sunday, April 24, 2011

German woman dealing with half an equation

I thought this video was a typical example of an "edgy" white person.  Yeah, rap music and inter-racial dating is edgy (LOL) BUT attacking Isalm is another form of "edgy."  Now I am 100% opposed to muslim immigration into the west.  BUT like most other things (including white victimhood) I like to get to the root of the issue.  Well, I wonder how many GERMAN DIPLOMATS (real Germans, not jews) are laying awake at night thinking of different ways to subvert German Immigration Law so Muslims could flood into that nation.  What DOES makes sense is that the same tribe who subverted American Immigration Laws are doing the same thing in Germany.  So, what this woman is doing is the same as what many whites (who think they're edgy) are doing and that is, attacking those the jews don't like (and invoking the name of Hitler to double the brown-nosing).  I know, it is a crazy thing for jews to do (letting muslims flood into the west) but what better way to get them AWAY FROM ISRAEL AND get them to mix with whites so two goy are killed with one stone.  If you don't have the mental mechanics to do a hairpin turn every time you delve into this material you'll wind up off the cliff.  Tao of Duplicity.  So march on white goy dipshits, use all your time and ammunition serving the very people you should be fighting.  Jews will ALWAYS be safe in the west while you attack the symptom and not the cause...

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