Tao Of Duplicity Radio Show
- TOD 10-13-11 Elitism vs Racial Solidarity; There Can Be Only One
- TOD 9-29-11 The Zio-Nazi Conundrum
- TOD 9-25-11 You Are The Meat, Not The Meek
- TOD 9-9-11 Dualism, Moral Relativism and Duplicity
- TOD 8-28-11 Duplicity By Any Other Name
- TOD 8-21-11 The Refugees You Never See
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- TOD 7-9-11 White Community vs White Grift
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- TOD 6-25-11 Cause & Effect Not Good & Evil
- TOD 6-18-11 Show me yours and I'll show you mine
- TOD 6-11-11 FIRST SHOW
Thursday, June 30, 2011
The Duplicity of a Hedonist and the Denial of the Self-Indulged
This is a response to an anti-environmentalist who, like many, want to associate eco-friendly folks with "eco-tyranny." It is strange how any type of refrain or consideration of one's actions is immediately deemed "tyrannical" and even "nazism." On the other hand, when one is loose with their tongue with regards to racialism it is then "tyrannical" and "nazism" because one is not being cautious enough. So, caution with regards to the environment is considered "tyranny" which translates into environmental indulgence being a good thing. Yet, when one indulges in the area of race he is assumed to be tyrannical. This double standard is quite ominous and it's amazing how it comes so naturally to people. Duplicity truly is the way of the socialite and the human being in general. Anyway, the environment is akin to an overweight white girl; she is ridiculed, lambasted and treated with such disregard that to NOT do so makes you an outcast. The following is a post I made on a website which will remain nameless. I don't know how legal it is to post the person's email I was responding to so I won't. It doesn't matter though, you've probably heard the same tired ramblings time and again. "Boo Hoo, environmentalists are like nazis" and "if the eco-terrorists get their way we'll all be eating veggie burgers for breakfast lunch and dinner." My favorites are "the government wants to reduce the global population so they are implementing protocols which will limit population growth" and "eco-friendliness is really a means to kill and control people." Fact is that there are A HUNDRED REASONS WHY THE GOVERNMENT WANTS TO INCREASE THE WORLDS' POPULATION AND DESTROY THE ENVIRONMENT as opposed to Al Gore on the other side, a straw man if ever there was one. Anyway, here's my post for those who are interested: I call it "The Duplicity of a Hedonist."
The people who HATE environmental study fall into a few categories; 1. Christians who think the planet is "evil" and believe that the more people there are the more the earth will be in servitude to man. 2. Those who profit from exploiting the environment and also overpopulation. 3. Those who believe environmentalism will interfere with their hedonism.
The trolls we see all fall into one or more of these categories. When people react in a hostile absolute fashion against environmentalism without giving even the smallest concession to those who are eco-conscious THEIR'S is the agenda we should be wary of. It is THEIR OWN PROJECTION of deception onto those good folks trying to ensure the future of our ecosystem which should be exposed.
People act as if clean air and water is some god given right and not something to respect and hold reverence for. They act as though THE ECO_FRIENDLY are selfish, tyrannical and self-centered. It is a true sign of the orwellian times we live in to call selflessness and sensitivity SELFISHNESS and MANIPULATIVE.
Bottom line is that environmental concern enrages people because it interferes with their vice, dogma (religious or other) and also because it interferes with their ego. We live in a world where there are a MILLION vices and also in a world which strikes down your ego in a million ways, yet, it is the "environmentalists" who are seeking to control the planet and do away with your vices and ego. Never mind the military industrial complex, never mind that we are saturated with consumerism, never mind the undeclared wars of aggression with your tax dollars. Never mind that globalism & The New World Order NEEDS the environment to suffer in order to sell you clean air and water (which allows them to pick and choose who lives and dies).
Wow, so much evidence that the environment needs protection (ie: BP Spill & Fukishima) and SO MUCH RISK involved protecting the environment yet, we have idiots running around calling it "eco-tyranny" or whatever. IT IS THEY who are contributing to the eco-tyranny by helping to destroy it AND helping those who capitalize off it's destruction by ATTACKING GOOD PEOPLE who are trying to change this trend of eco-terrorism. Greenpeace just climbed an oil rig which was attempting to drill in the arctic; would a fraud risk their life TO PREVENT EXPLOITATION??? What do anti-environmentalists do? Consume & bitch, that's THEIR contribution.
Frauds troll websites trying to derail good people while those good people are risking their lives and reputations, standing up against trans-national corporations and trans-national governance. It is shills FOR big business which allow big business to get away with all they do. It's all the little people keeping them afloat. To top it off, when the air is poisoned and the water too foul to drink WHO WILL THEY BLAME? The religious will blame satan and the hedonists will blame the environmentalists.
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