"So exactly what is Agenda 21? The following is how the United Nations defines Agenda 21….
Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.When you start doing deep research into Agenda 21, you will find that describing it as a “comprehensive plan” is an understatement. Virtually all forms of human activity impact the environment. The rabid “environmentalists” behind the green agenda intend to take all human activity and put it into a box called “sustainable development”.
One of the key elements of “sustainable development” is population control. The United Nations (along with radical “environmental” leaders such as Al Gore) actually believes that there are far too many people on earth."
Articles like this prove a point I try to make with both this blog and the podcasts. People who promote the idea that any type of ecological conservation is "tyrannical" are 99.9% in the right wing christian frame of mind and are doing more to HURT the world than to save it. It is from this right wing reference point that they denounce any attempt of population responsibility and environmental protection (including animal welfare). They make it appear that ANYONE interested in preventing the environment from further contamination must have an agenda. They put the association in peoples' minds that to be conscious of the environment is to put the environment above people (as if they could survive without clean air and water)." This is in line with thinking that the earth is the "devil's" domain and that by hurting it you hurt him...Crazy, I know.
Ironically, they also go ON AND ON about chem trails and how the BP oil spill has affected fishing communities. But, I think, the most egregious insult to common sense is that they think they can make the world a better place AND keep the global population exponentially exploding. I could make the argument that I've lived in a very overpopulated country called India for a year and that I've traveled extensively so I've seen the effects of overpopulation for myself. I could go on and on regarding the political intent of overpopulating the USA and all of the west with unlimited immigration thus causing overpopulation and displacement of whites. I could go into great lengths about how in economics you learn that the more people living in a demographic the more you can charge for a product but, in the end, the people who know the truth will have come to these conclusions based on reality. Those who write hit-pieces like the one above do so from dogma, not truth so I could list a MILLION reasons why the environmentalists are correct and the right wing christian truth movement is wrong but it will have zero effect on these people. What's ironic about this is that that they talk about facts and figures but only pay attention to the ones which suit their agenda. No amount of facts and figures can overcome religious or political dogma, only on rare occasion coming from a small minority of genuinely humble & honest types...
There are a LOT of people who want to hear that they aren't doing ANYTHING wrong and it's evil hippies trying to tell the truthers they AREN'T absolved of all sin. I say this; OVERPOPULATION should be considered a sin. OVERUSE of natural resources should be considered a sin and DISPASSION towards other life forms on this planet should be considered a sin. To them, no, it's population control and a consciousness of their carbon footprint on the environment which is the sin. Whether this environmental hit-piece article has truth in it or not the bottom line is this; people like this absolutely NEVER consider that anyone has a point when they hear anything contrary to their collective group-think mindset. The dogma they spout equals a readership, listenership and viewing audience WHICH IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE TRUTH. I will make a bullet-point system one of these days outlining the dogmatic collectivist duplicitous thinking which, roughly translated, can be interpreted as "truth movement."
Don't be fooled into thinking this New World Order has an agenda to keep the environment safe either, that's not what I'm saying. What I AM saying however is that while there may be phonies in global government putting out the pretense of curbing world population and environment protection the fact of the matter is that there is WAY more evidence to the contrary. Those in the "truth movement" will have you believe that their own hatred of environmentalism is in proportion with the New World Order's plans for global domination. The fact is that the New World Order NEEDS OVERPOPULATION IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE THEIR GOALS & ALSO NEEDS THE ENVIRONMENT TO BE POLLUTED IN ORDER TO CONTROL YOUR SURVIVAL! These "truthers" will tell you that the government wants to take away farms in order to control agricultural production but will never mention THAT THEY ALSO NEED TO DESTROY THE ENVIRONMENT TOO!!! What are the two best ways to destroy the environment? Overpopulation & exploitation of every natural resource. What does this article tell us? That protecting the environment is a scam and we don't need to worry about overpopulation. It doesn't even say that environmentalism HAS ANY CREDIBILITY!
This is the amazing and duplicitous agenda of such people. They will take an absolute stance on subjects like environmental protection and really, the joke is on them because THEY SERVE THE VERY PEOPLE THEY CLAIM TO FIGHT! If you serve the New World Order on such a HUGE issue as anti-environmentalism and promote overpopulation then you are the enemy of freedom, not a protector of it. When the government talks about agenda 21 or anything else which is designed to curb humans' carbon footprint IT IS NOT because they love the environment; it is to get dogmatic automatons like the writer of the article to do EXACTLY what they want him to do; encourage humans to DO MORE DAMAGE TO THE ENVIRONMENT and weaken ANY resolutions which would limit exploitation. Truthers ARE DOING THE WORK FOR THE NEW World ORDER but spreading a PLANNED reactionary response AGAINST protection of the environment. THE NWO WANTS you to consume, procreate and exploit, it's their bread and butter! If people were honest they'd recognize this reverse psychology. This is why "truthers" are dangerous and serve what they claim to fight most effectively. Reading all those books and being hyper-intellectual gives the NWO machine the controlled rebellion they desire...
Read my article regarding the Greece Bailout issue and you'll see it is the same duplicity we see with regards to environmentalism and overpopulation. People who do "truthing" are smart enough with all the books they read and speak with such intellectual prowess so it must be that they are conscious of what they are ushering in and facilitating. By their own definition of the truth they reveal themselves. They MUST WANT a global government and MUST WANT to be on the same page as the New World Order, their philosophy dictates it BUT, they want YOU to believe they are fighting for truth and freedom. How can it be any other way judging by their attitudes towards the most important topics regarding (their favoring of) the New World Order's means of control? Just because they CLAIM the New World Order is synonymous with environmental protection being phony and their's alone does not make it so.
The truth isn't in your intellect, it's somewhere else. It's not in a history book or a book of religion. All those things can be manipulated. It's not even in your heart because THAT can be relegated to sentimentality. It is in how well you can interpret the Tao (ie: cause and effect) and how well you can cast aside titles, vice and dogmatic thinking. It is in overcoming the fear that you may have to stand alone for what you believe and that maybe not a soul will hear your words...Tao Of Duplicity
In a word, those attacking environmentalism using the duplicitous excuse of "it's a government conspiracy" is equivalent to the "anti-government" types who want you to believe the world is run by nazis. The world is run by ANTI-ENVIRONMENTALISTS WHO HATE NAZIS! I REPEAT, The world is run by ANTI-ENVIRONMENTALISTS WHO HATE NAZIS! What better way to lie than to invert the truth?
ReplyDeleteWhen you back these people into a corner they will then tell you "Hitler was a vegetarian which makes ALL VEGETARIANS EVIL." When you care about animals or the environment you are either a nazi or a satanist or a government asset. It's AMAZING how much hypocrisy the human brain can retain and to what lengths it will deceive in order to protect the ego.