Tao Of Duplicity Radio Show
- TOD 10-13-11 Elitism vs Racial Solidarity; There Can Be Only One
- TOD 9-29-11 The Zio-Nazi Conundrum
- TOD 9-25-11 You Are The Meat, Not The Meek
- TOD 9-9-11 Dualism, Moral Relativism and Duplicity
- TOD 8-28-11 Duplicity By Any Other Name
- TOD 8-21-11 The Refugees You Never See
- TOD 8-15-11 As Below So Above
- TOD 8-8-11 Racial Survival 101
- TOD 7-23-11 White & Impolite
- TOD 7-9-11 White Community vs White Grift
- TOD 7-2-11 Human Resources, Assets and Ego As Truth
- TOD 6-25-11 Cause & Effect Not Good & Evil
- TOD 6-18-11 Show me yours and I'll show you mine
- TOD 6-11-11 FIRST SHOW
Thursday, June 30, 2011
The Duplicity of a Hedonist and the Denial of the Self-Indulged
This is a response to an anti-environmentalist who, like many, want to associate eco-friendly folks with "eco-tyranny." It is strange how any type of refrain or consideration of one's actions is immediately deemed "tyrannical" and even "nazism." On the other hand, when one is loose with their tongue with regards to racialism it is then "tyrannical" and "nazism" because one is not being cautious enough. So, caution with regards to the environment is considered "tyranny" which translates into environmental indulgence being a good thing. Yet, when one indulges in the area of race he is assumed to be tyrannical. This double standard is quite ominous and it's amazing how it comes so naturally to people. Duplicity truly is the way of the socialite and the human being in general. Anyway, the environment is akin to an overweight white girl; she is ridiculed, lambasted and treated with such disregard that to NOT do so makes you an outcast. The following is a post I made on a website which will remain nameless. I don't know how legal it is to post the person's email I was responding to so I won't. It doesn't matter though, you've probably heard the same tired ramblings time and again. "Boo Hoo, environmentalists are like nazis" and "if the eco-terrorists get their way we'll all be eating veggie burgers for breakfast lunch and dinner." My favorites are "the government wants to reduce the global population so they are implementing protocols which will limit population growth" and "eco-friendliness is really a means to kill and control people." Fact is that there are A HUNDRED REASONS WHY THE GOVERNMENT WANTS TO INCREASE THE WORLDS' POPULATION AND DESTROY THE ENVIRONMENT as opposed to Al Gore on the other side, a straw man if ever there was one. Anyway, here's my post for those who are interested: I call it "The Duplicity of a Hedonist."
The people who HATE environmental study fall into a few categories; 1. Christians who think the planet is "evil" and believe that the more people there are the more the earth will be in servitude to man. 2. Those who profit from exploiting the environment and also overpopulation. 3. Those who believe environmentalism will interfere with their hedonism.
The trolls we see all fall into one or more of these categories. When people react in a hostile absolute fashion against environmentalism without giving even the smallest concession to those who are eco-conscious THEIR'S is the agenda we should be wary of. It is THEIR OWN PROJECTION of deception onto those good folks trying to ensure the future of our ecosystem which should be exposed.
People act as if clean air and water is some god given right and not something to respect and hold reverence for. They act as though THE ECO_FRIENDLY are selfish, tyrannical and self-centered. It is a true sign of the orwellian times we live in to call selflessness and sensitivity SELFISHNESS and MANIPULATIVE.
Bottom line is that environmental concern enrages people because it interferes with their vice, dogma (religious or other) and also because it interferes with their ego. We live in a world where there are a MILLION vices and also in a world which strikes down your ego in a million ways, yet, it is the "environmentalists" who are seeking to control the planet and do away with your vices and ego. Never mind the military industrial complex, never mind that we are saturated with consumerism, never mind the undeclared wars of aggression with your tax dollars. Never mind that globalism & The New World Order NEEDS the environment to suffer in order to sell you clean air and water (which allows them to pick and choose who lives and dies).
Wow, so much evidence that the environment needs protection (ie: BP Spill & Fukishima) and SO MUCH RISK involved protecting the environment yet, we have idiots running around calling it "eco-tyranny" or whatever. IT IS THEY who are contributing to the eco-tyranny by helping to destroy it AND helping those who capitalize off it's destruction by ATTACKING GOOD PEOPLE who are trying to change this trend of eco-terrorism. Greenpeace just climbed an oil rig which was attempting to drill in the arctic; would a fraud risk their life TO PREVENT EXPLOITATION??? What do anti-environmentalists do? Consume & bitch, that's THEIR contribution.
Frauds troll websites trying to derail good people while those good people are risking their lives and reputations, standing up against trans-national corporations and trans-national governance. It is shills FOR big business which allow big business to get away with all they do. It's all the little people keeping them afloat. To top it off, when the air is poisoned and the water too foul to drink WHO WILL THEY BLAME? The religious will blame satan and the hedonists will blame the environmentalists.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Al Gore, Agenda 21 And Population Control
"So exactly what is Agenda 21? The following is how the United Nations defines Agenda 21….
Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.When you start doing deep research into Agenda 21, you will find that describing it as a “comprehensive plan” is an understatement. Virtually all forms of human activity impact the environment. The rabid “environmentalists” behind the green agenda intend to take all human activity and put it into a box called “sustainable development”.
One of the key elements of “sustainable development” is population control. The United Nations (along with radical “environmental” leaders such as Al Gore) actually believes that there are far too many people on earth."
Articles like this prove a point I try to make with both this blog and the podcasts. People who promote the idea that any type of ecological conservation is "tyrannical" are 99.9% in the right wing christian frame of mind and are doing more to HURT the world than to save it. It is from this right wing reference point that they denounce any attempt of population responsibility and environmental protection (including animal welfare). They make it appear that ANYONE interested in preventing the environment from further contamination must have an agenda. They put the association in peoples' minds that to be conscious of the environment is to put the environment above people (as if they could survive without clean air and water)." This is in line with thinking that the earth is the "devil's" domain and that by hurting it you hurt him...Crazy, I know.
Ironically, they also go ON AND ON about chem trails and how the BP oil spill has affected fishing communities. But, I think, the most egregious insult to common sense is that they think they can make the world a better place AND keep the global population exponentially exploding. I could make the argument that I've lived in a very overpopulated country called India for a year and that I've traveled extensively so I've seen the effects of overpopulation for myself. I could go on and on regarding the political intent of overpopulating the USA and all of the west with unlimited immigration thus causing overpopulation and displacement of whites. I could go into great lengths about how in economics you learn that the more people living in a demographic the more you can charge for a product but, in the end, the people who know the truth will have come to these conclusions based on reality. Those who write hit-pieces like the one above do so from dogma, not truth so I could list a MILLION reasons why the environmentalists are correct and the right wing christian truth movement is wrong but it will have zero effect on these people. What's ironic about this is that that they talk about facts and figures but only pay attention to the ones which suit their agenda. No amount of facts and figures can overcome religious or political dogma, only on rare occasion coming from a small minority of genuinely humble & honest types...
There are a LOT of people who want to hear that they aren't doing ANYTHING wrong and it's evil hippies trying to tell the truthers they AREN'T absolved of all sin. I say this; OVERPOPULATION should be considered a sin. OVERUSE of natural resources should be considered a sin and DISPASSION towards other life forms on this planet should be considered a sin. To them, no, it's population control and a consciousness of their carbon footprint on the environment which is the sin. Whether this environmental hit-piece article has truth in it or not the bottom line is this; people like this absolutely NEVER consider that anyone has a point when they hear anything contrary to their collective group-think mindset. The dogma they spout equals a readership, listenership and viewing audience WHICH IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE TRUTH. I will make a bullet-point system one of these days outlining the dogmatic collectivist duplicitous thinking which, roughly translated, can be interpreted as "truth movement."
Don't be fooled into thinking this New World Order has an agenda to keep the environment safe either, that's not what I'm saying. What I AM saying however is that while there may be phonies in global government putting out the pretense of curbing world population and environment protection the fact of the matter is that there is WAY more evidence to the contrary. Those in the "truth movement" will have you believe that their own hatred of environmentalism is in proportion with the New World Order's plans for global domination. The fact is that the New World Order NEEDS OVERPOPULATION IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE THEIR GOALS & ALSO NEEDS THE ENVIRONMENT TO BE POLLUTED IN ORDER TO CONTROL YOUR SURVIVAL! These "truthers" will tell you that the government wants to take away farms in order to control agricultural production but will never mention THAT THEY ALSO NEED TO DESTROY THE ENVIRONMENT TOO!!! What are the two best ways to destroy the environment? Overpopulation & exploitation of every natural resource. What does this article tell us? That protecting the environment is a scam and we don't need to worry about overpopulation. It doesn't even say that environmentalism HAS ANY CREDIBILITY!
This is the amazing and duplicitous agenda of such people. They will take an absolute stance on subjects like environmental protection and really, the joke is on them because THEY SERVE THE VERY PEOPLE THEY CLAIM TO FIGHT! If you serve the New World Order on such a HUGE issue as anti-environmentalism and promote overpopulation then you are the enemy of freedom, not a protector of it. When the government talks about agenda 21 or anything else which is designed to curb humans' carbon footprint IT IS NOT because they love the environment; it is to get dogmatic automatons like the writer of the article to do EXACTLY what they want him to do; encourage humans to DO MORE DAMAGE TO THE ENVIRONMENT and weaken ANY resolutions which would limit exploitation. Truthers ARE DOING THE WORK FOR THE NEW World ORDER but spreading a PLANNED reactionary response AGAINST protection of the environment. THE NWO WANTS you to consume, procreate and exploit, it's their bread and butter! If people were honest they'd recognize this reverse psychology. This is why "truthers" are dangerous and serve what they claim to fight most effectively. Reading all those books and being hyper-intellectual gives the NWO machine the controlled rebellion they desire...
Read my article regarding the Greece Bailout issue and you'll see it is the same duplicity we see with regards to environmentalism and overpopulation. People who do "truthing" are smart enough with all the books they read and speak with such intellectual prowess so it must be that they are conscious of what they are ushering in and facilitating. By their own definition of the truth they reveal themselves. They MUST WANT a global government and MUST WANT to be on the same page as the New World Order, their philosophy dictates it BUT, they want YOU to believe they are fighting for truth and freedom. How can it be any other way judging by their attitudes towards the most important topics regarding (their favoring of) the New World Order's means of control? Just because they CLAIM the New World Order is synonymous with environmental protection being phony and their's alone does not make it so.
The truth isn't in your intellect, it's somewhere else. It's not in a history book or a book of religion. All those things can be manipulated. It's not even in your heart because THAT can be relegated to sentimentality. It is in how well you can interpret the Tao (ie: cause and effect) and how well you can cast aside titles, vice and dogmatic thinking. It is in overcoming the fear that you may have to stand alone for what you believe and that maybe not a soul will hear your words...Tao Of Duplicity
Thursday, June 23, 2011
"USAID has documented aid to Israel by international organizations totaling $186.8 million, of which $106.5 million is from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), $64 million from the United Nations Development Program and $16.3 million from other U.N. agencies. There undoubtedly are significant bilateral aid programs from various industrialized countries as well.
The major non-American donor, however, is Germany, which has been providing financial aid to Israel in very large amounts since the Luxembourg Agreement of Sept. 10, 1952, not long after U.S. aid to Israel began.
Some of the early federal German payments also went to Jewish organizations throughout the world to aid them in resettling Jews who lived outside Israel. However, these and other German payments to Jewish individuals or organizations outside Israel are not considered in this article."
So, Greece is the problem of Europe huh? Greeks don't work as hard as Germans and are "PIGS?" I am not Greek but lived in Greece for a couple of months. I've also traveled to Germany and visited that nation for a week. I found the Greeks extremely nationalistic and MUCH less prone to miscegenate than the Germans. I found Germans being MUCH more accepting of the muslim invasion than the Greeks. By what criteria are we to judge Germans as "superior" and not "equal" to the rest of Europeans? I did NOT find the Greeks to be less likely to work hard but DID find them less likely to be "cosmopolitan." To be honest, I found Greeks to be more down to earth than the Germans who were more pretentious. Germans were much more concerned about the way they appeared to others and this made them (in my opinion) more prone to being lead by the status-quo.
I've learned that there is a sort of cultism regarding German Nationalism which stems from WWII. Whatever resistance Germany put up against globalism in the early part of the 21st Century does not exist anymore according to my experience. I personally know descendants of WWII vets on the axis side and they ABSOLUTELY HATE the 3rd Reich. Call is brainwashing or programming whatever, it doesn't matter. The point is there are very ignorant and dogmatic people who think that the Germany of today deserves to be viewed the same as the Germany of yesteryear, politics, racial solidarity and philo-semitism be damned. Self satisfaction, elitism and superiority complexes are more important than self-determination.
It is truly amazing how one event regarding Greece's bailout can reveal so much. Germany and it's sycophants will believe the news when it seems to sympathize with them. They will believe their "enemy" when the news is framed to their liking and will absolutely gang-pile one of their own when zionism throws them a bone. I believe they are really lap dogs for those they claim to fight and their resistance is only equal to their acceptance by the status-quo (or lack thereof). Pat them on the head and say "poor Germany" and you'll get the exact scenario of which I am writing about. GERMANY IS ISRAEL'S NEXT BEST FRIEND and if you REALLY want to fight the New World Order then you know who it's two best friends are. Those who pride themselves on how great Germany is are saying that their money policies are also great. The USA and Germany seem to be the two places keeping Israel armed and afloat so it's not a stretch to say that the people saying how great Germany is are saying how great their spending is as well. It's also an indication that, to these people, policy & racialism takes a back seat to nepotism and nationalism.
I hate to break it to all the German sycophants out there but the only reason Germany is so successful is because they are the golden goose for Israel. If Germany resisted Turkish invasion and in general made it difficult for Zionism then it would be in the same boat as Greece. Germany is a sellout nation and all it's sycophants should stop the anti-israel rhetoric. When you talk about how superior Germany is and how much better it's people are than Greeks you might as well start rooting for Israel's success as well. If what you admire is social status, a strong economy and zero loyalty to your people then by all means, celebrate how great Germany is. Just remember that the same media you condemned for it's unfair treatment of whites worldwide is the same media you are now trusting to lead you into a campaign to crush Greece. Just remember that when Greece falls Germany will be FLOODED with Turks so I hope you put that figure into your elite little calculator. The "Price" of Greece (artificial I'm sure) will pale in comparison to it's fall and YOU WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE, if not by anyone else but by myself. I hope to get this message out far and wide and let people know that the sheep among them are wolves ready to eat them at the first sign of trouble...Tao Of Duplicity
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Turkey’s EU entry may suffer a set back
Cyprus and Greece are geared up to use their veto power to block Turkey’s entry into the EU.
The election victory on Sunday of hardline Turkish nationalist candidate Dervis Eroglu in the Turkish Cypriot presidential election is a consequence of the partitionist policy pursued by Ankara for decades. Turkey may suffer if Eroglu scuppers negotiations to reunify the island, divided since Turkey occupied the north 36 years ago, and Cyprus and Greece block Turkey’s entry into the European Union (EU).
This is how quick "white nationalists" and the "eurocentric minded" people forget. White self determinism? I think not. It's white on white elitist action as those with the most money (Germany) are willing to enslave their own people in order to keep Israel well fed, all while making sure the "PIGS" of Europe (Greece) get the boot. Funny, I didn't hear Germany making any complaints in an attempt to show white solidarity when Greece was fighting to keep Turkey from invading Greece any further. What DO Germans care about? Making sure jews feel safe and get what they want from the EU. WHY is Germany the most lucrative in Europe? Is it because they are better white people? 'Fraid not. It is the golden goose for israel and european jewry and that is their sole purope as the economic powerhouse of europe. It is a favored country of zionism and is the most industrious nation serving israel probably in the entire world. So, when we hear about Greece being the "PIG" of Europe are we to believe the white elitism nationalists who are ready to put a knife in their brother's back because they have a fancy for Germany OR is it more likely that GREECE TOLD WORLD JEWRY NO and stopped millions of semitic turks from flooding into Europe? Is it more likely that Greece just can't cut it financially because they are the scum of Europe OR are they stopping a planned invasion and need to be removed from the EU BECAUSE OF THIS FACT?!?!?! What a bunch of phonies we have attempting to lead white solidarity down a jewish road of elitism. What absolute hypocrisy and cowardice on the part of "self appointed leaders" who jump on every opportunity to show their classism and dogmatic, predicatable agenda of snobbery. The worst enemy of the white race is other whites pretending to want white brotherhood. The worst enemy of whites is the egocentric duplicity exhibited every time jews tell them something they want to hear. We are to believe the spin when it caters to white elitist bigotry but condemn it when it doesn't suit an agenda. Tao Of Duplicity
Cyprus and Greece are geared up to use their veto power to block Turkey’s entry into the EU.
The election victory on Sunday of hardline Turkish nationalist candidate Dervis Eroglu in the Turkish Cypriot presidential election is a consequence of the partitionist policy pursued by Ankara for decades. Turkey may suffer if Eroglu scuppers negotiations to reunify the island, divided since Turkey occupied the north 36 years ago, and Cyprus and Greece block Turkey’s entry into the European Union (EU).
This is how quick "white nationalists" and the "eurocentric minded" people forget. White self determinism? I think not. It's white on white elitist action as those with the most money (Germany) are willing to enslave their own people in order to keep Israel well fed, all while making sure the "PIGS" of Europe (Greece) get the boot. Funny, I didn't hear Germany making any complaints in an attempt to show white solidarity when Greece was fighting to keep Turkey from invading Greece any further. What DO Germans care about? Making sure jews feel safe and get what they want from the EU. WHY is Germany the most lucrative in Europe? Is it because they are better white people? 'Fraid not. It is the golden goose for israel and european jewry and that is their sole purope as the economic powerhouse of europe. It is a favored country of zionism and is the most industrious nation serving israel probably in the entire world. So, when we hear about Greece being the "PIG" of Europe are we to believe the white elitism nationalists who are ready to put a knife in their brother's back because they have a fancy for Germany OR is it more likely that GREECE TOLD WORLD JEWRY NO and stopped millions of semitic turks from flooding into Europe? Is it more likely that Greece just can't cut it financially because they are the scum of Europe OR are they stopping a planned invasion and need to be removed from the EU BECAUSE OF THIS FACT?!?!?! What a bunch of phonies we have attempting to lead white solidarity down a jewish road of elitism. What absolute hypocrisy and cowardice on the part of "self appointed leaders" who jump on every opportunity to show their classism and dogmatic, predicatable agenda of snobbery. The worst enemy of the white race is other whites pretending to want white brotherhood. The worst enemy of whites is the egocentric duplicity exhibited every time jews tell them something they want to hear. We are to believe the spin when it caters to white elitist bigotry but condemn it when it doesn't suit an agenda. Tao Of Duplicity
Majority Riot at a McDonald’s

Another Minority Riot at a McDonald’s
by Jeff Davis
A CBS article reports: “At least two people were stabbed and hospitalized, and three others injured after a massive brawl involving dozens of people broke out in the parking lot of a McDonald’s near San Jose State University. The fight happened around 10 p.m. about a block away from the university on the corner of San Jose and Third Streets, and just hours after a free downtown concert let out.”
It should read "Majority Riot" because now that we live in a globalist economy & we're all considered global citizens blacks HUGELY outnumber whites but that's not what I want to discuss here...
No, we aren't all equal. The outright savagery of non-whites IS THE SUPERIORITY OF THE FUTURE! So, while all of you really smart white people out there are trying to convince everyone how intelligent you are and how you deserve more than those who aren't as smart consider this; being better suited to this New World Order means becoming able to fight with or against this savagery with brute physical strength and with like savagery. All of your empty pontificating DOES NOT grant you superior elite status, only in your self-appointed privileged mind it does. Get yourselves out of your gated communities and see the cities and once quiet suburbs. See what white people long to become and you'll find that while educating yourself (and others) may be important it is but a small portion of what must be done. Whites WANT and EMBRACE ugliness, ignorance and decay. Speaking with a self-righteous and condescending attitude WILL NEVER succeed in the end with regards to white self-determination. You are lulling yourself and others into a false sense of security thinking most whites care about anything which promotes racial solidarity. They all want to be media whores of one stripe or another and it says much about human nature which is the real issue. You are speaking from an ivory tower which needs to be torn down and rebuilt because it's only ivory in your mind & not in reality. Majority riots are coming to your town and I wonder how well your intellect will fare against such incidents. No mystery to me what the outcome will be but it'll probably come as a hell of a shock to yourself...Tao Of Duplicity
Another Minority Riot at a McDonald’s
by Jeff Davis
A CBS article reports: “At least two people were stabbed and hospitalized, and three others injured after a massive brawl involving dozens of people broke out in the parking lot of a McDonald’s near San Jose State University. The fight happened around 10 p.m. about a block away from the university on the corner of San Jose and Third Streets, and just hours after a free downtown concert let out.”
It should read "Majority Riot" because now that we live in a globalist economy & we're all considered global citizens blacks HUGELY outnumber whites but that's not what I want to discuss here...
No, we aren't all equal. The outright savagery of non-whites IS THE SUPERIORITY OF THE FUTURE! So, while all of you really smart white people out there are trying to convince everyone how intelligent you are and how you deserve more than those who aren't as smart consider this; being better suited to this New World Order means becoming able to fight with or against this savagery with brute physical strength and with like savagery. All of your empty pontificating DOES NOT grant you superior elite status, only in your self-appointed privileged mind it does. Get yourselves out of your gated communities and see the cities and once quiet suburbs. See what white people long to become and you'll find that while educating yourself (and others) may be important it is but a small portion of what must be done. Whites WANT and EMBRACE ugliness, ignorance and decay. Speaking with a self-righteous and condescending attitude WILL NEVER succeed in the end with regards to white self-determination. You are lulling yourself and others into a false sense of security thinking most whites care about anything which promotes racial solidarity. They all want to be media whores of one stripe or another and it says much about human nature which is the real issue. You are speaking from an ivory tower which needs to be torn down and rebuilt because it's only ivory in your mind & not in reality. Majority riots are coming to your town and I wonder how well your intellect will fare against such incidents. No mystery to me what the outcome will be but it'll probably come as a hell of a shock to yourself...Tao Of Duplicity
1000 LA residents protested Nazi-Zionist satanic agenda
"LA hosted the national Nazi gathering Saturday that was protested by approximately 1,000 No Nazis In LA members outnumbering the Nazis approximately 10 to 1. The LA-human rights residents held a walking picket line alongside the Nazis to defend human rights of all people, contrary to the Nazi "all white" agenda including genocide according to group leaders."
Hmmm, how many whites were on board with this one and are active members of the LA human rights organization? Doesn't even matter what the hell went on there for the purpose of this rant. How many whites use "satanic" and "nazi" interchangeably? I think "zionist" is beyond the scope of most white comprehension so I won't even give most whites the credit for misunderstanding that one. Is it ignorance, bliss or opportunism which makes whites feel all fuzzy inside when they attack satanic nazis? Ever wonder that if whites are wrong about nazis then they just may be wrong about satan? Nah, too much to ask for I know. Just stay fuzzy and plump white man until your judgement day comes which will deliver you from those evil satanic nazis. BTW, don't be fooled just because the term "zionism" is used in the article. Zionism used by idiots who write such articles harken back to the days of Alex Jones and his 13 Bloodline Illuminati White Supremacist Teutonic Death Cult (aka zionism). It must feel REAL GOOD to be able to lay witness to a truth which is so safe and a welcomed control valve for those REALLY in control whom you never offend...Good job soldiers of jesus, truth seekers and those of the zeitgeist persuasion! You're about as effective as one hand clapping...Go get those "Nazi Zionists!"
P.S. It would be hysterical if they were referring to a Tea Party Demonstration as a Nazi Zionist Rally...Wouldn't be the first time
"LA hosted the national Nazi gathering Saturday that was protested by approximately 1,000 No Nazis In LA members outnumbering the Nazis approximately 10 to 1. The LA-human rights residents held a walking picket line alongside the Nazis to defend human rights of all people, contrary to the Nazi "all white" agenda including genocide according to group leaders."
Hmmm, how many whites were on board with this one and are active members of the LA human rights organization? Doesn't even matter what the hell went on there for the purpose of this rant. How many whites use "satanic" and "nazi" interchangeably? I think "zionist" is beyond the scope of most white comprehension so I won't even give most whites the credit for misunderstanding that one. Is it ignorance, bliss or opportunism which makes whites feel all fuzzy inside when they attack satanic nazis? Ever wonder that if whites are wrong about nazis then they just may be wrong about satan? Nah, too much to ask for I know. Just stay fuzzy and plump white man until your judgement day comes which will deliver you from those evil satanic nazis. BTW, don't be fooled just because the term "zionism" is used in the article. Zionism used by idiots who write such articles harken back to the days of Alex Jones and his 13 Bloodline Illuminati White Supremacist Teutonic Death Cult (aka zionism). It must feel REAL GOOD to be able to lay witness to a truth which is so safe and a welcomed control valve for those REALLY in control whom you never offend...Good job soldiers of jesus, truth seekers and those of the zeitgeist persuasion! You're about as effective as one hand clapping...Go get those "Nazi Zionists!"
P.S. It would be hysterical if they were referring to a Tea Party Demonstration as a Nazi Zionist Rally...Wouldn't be the first time
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Jolie thanks Italy for opening doors to refugees
"LAMPEDUSA, Italy (AP) — Angelina Jolie traveled to the tiny Italian island of Lampedusa on Sunday and thanked its residents for welcoming in the estimated 20,000 migrants who arrived after fleeing unrest in Tunisia and Libya."
There is something mentally wrong with people who don't care about the demographic change which will occur because of a move like this. Now, the question is, how many Italians will STILL PAY TO SEE MOVIES WHICH STAR PITT OR JOLIE??? How many Italians will make a stand against having stone-age people (20,000 of them) thrust upon their small island? How many racially conscious whites in general will boycott movies which star either of these bozos???
Well, apparently the welfare of 20,000 is more important THAN THE ENTIRE ISLAND'S POPULATION! In actuality, the welfare issue never even is considered, only the GLORIFIED EGALATARIAN REPUTATION which will come because of Lampedusa's "compassion." I wonder how many Tunisians and Libyans were brought by Jolie to Israel? How many "refugees" does Israel take in yearly? I wonder how many they have taken in since their inception? I target Israel because the same people using Jolie as their mouthpiece are the same people who work feverishly to make Israel a "White Supremacist State." I believe jews in israel will be the ONLY people left on the earth with the phenotype of which western man has fought the elements to achieve over countless centuries.
"LAMPEDUSA, Italy (AP) — Angelina Jolie traveled to the tiny Italian island of Lampedusa on Sunday and thanked its residents for welcoming in the estimated 20,000 migrants who arrived after fleeing unrest in Tunisia and Libya."
There is something mentally wrong with people who don't care about the demographic change which will occur because of a move like this. Now, the question is, how many Italians will STILL PAY TO SEE MOVIES WHICH STAR PITT OR JOLIE??? How many Italians will make a stand against having stone-age people (20,000 of them) thrust upon their small island? How many racially conscious whites in general will boycott movies which star either of these bozos???
Well, apparently the welfare of 20,000 is more important THAN THE ENTIRE ISLAND'S POPULATION! In actuality, the welfare issue never even is considered, only the GLORIFIED EGALATARIAN REPUTATION which will come because of Lampedusa's "compassion." I wonder how many Tunisians and Libyans were brought by Jolie to Israel? How many "refugees" does Israel take in yearly? I wonder how many they have taken in since their inception? I target Israel because the same people using Jolie as their mouthpiece are the same people who work feverishly to make Israel a "White Supremacist State." I believe jews in israel will be the ONLY people left on the earth with the phenotype of which western man has fought the elements to achieve over countless centuries.
US to Boycott UN Racism Conference
"The United States says it will not participate in an upcoming United Nations conference against racism. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, who had lobbied the administration of President Barack Obama to boycott the event, said Wednesday she “commended” the decision to withdraw from the event, which she said was likely to be take over by anti-Semitic and anti-American voices."
I guess it is impossible for Americans, Jews and Israelis to be guilty of racism any any examination of these groups must be racism itself. All animals are created equal but some are more equal than others it seems. Even in the most liberal minded person the word "equality" or "equal" when used to reference society is a weapon. On either side of the debate it's used as a weapon. For elitist minded types to dominate others (by saying we aren't all equal) and for liberal minded types intending to disarm their "competition" by saying we all are. Human Nature is predatory and most of the time seeks to undermine others (using either tactic) in order to bolster their own ego. So, an article like this exhibits the predatory nature of both sides and racism is just a term used to either disarm or co-opt. Opportunism is really the issue which needs to be discussed as in "how many whites participate in cutting their own peoples' throats in order to social climb?" How many whites will turn their back on the attempts made by good people at this conference because they don't want to be ostracized? That's another good term which should replace discrimination; collectivism. I hear all the time how independent minded whites are and it's their main flaw...Give me a break! That's like saying whites are overly compassionate which is why they embrace multiculturalism. No way, that's a huge lie. Instead of "racism and discrimination" the terms should be "opportunism and collectivism."
"The State Department said a draft declaration from that meeting would limit freedoms of religion and speech and would unfairly label Israel's policies as racist. But it said the United States would “work with all people and nations” to put an end to racism and discrimination."
What duplicity. Like I said, the only thing America is guilty of is opportunism and collectivism. Whites experience of racism and discrimination is when they are victims of it. Whites are guilty en masse of a MUCH worse crime; elitism against their own people and an insufferable classism which has rightfully dispossessed them in their own lands. To blindly come to the defense of whites is to allow the cause but fight against the effect...Tao Of Duplicity
"The United States says it will not participate in an upcoming United Nations conference against racism. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, who had lobbied the administration of President Barack Obama to boycott the event, said Wednesday she “commended” the decision to withdraw from the event, which she said was likely to be take over by anti-Semitic and anti-American voices."
I guess it is impossible for Americans, Jews and Israelis to be guilty of racism any any examination of these groups must be racism itself. All animals are created equal but some are more equal than others it seems. Even in the most liberal minded person the word "equality" or "equal" when used to reference society is a weapon. On either side of the debate it's used as a weapon. For elitist minded types to dominate others (by saying we aren't all equal) and for liberal minded types intending to disarm their "competition" by saying we all are. Human Nature is predatory and most of the time seeks to undermine others (using either tactic) in order to bolster their own ego. So, an article like this exhibits the predatory nature of both sides and racism is just a term used to either disarm or co-opt. Opportunism is really the issue which needs to be discussed as in "how many whites participate in cutting their own peoples' throats in order to social climb?" How many whites will turn their back on the attempts made by good people at this conference because they don't want to be ostracized? That's another good term which should replace discrimination; collectivism. I hear all the time how independent minded whites are and it's their main flaw...Give me a break! That's like saying whites are overly compassionate which is why they embrace multiculturalism. No way, that's a huge lie. Instead of "racism and discrimination" the terms should be "opportunism and collectivism."
"The State Department said a draft declaration from that meeting would limit freedoms of religion and speech and would unfairly label Israel's policies as racist. But it said the United States would “work with all people and nations” to put an end to racism and discrimination."
What duplicity. Like I said, the only thing America is guilty of is opportunism and collectivism. Whites experience of racism and discrimination is when they are victims of it. Whites are guilty en masse of a MUCH worse crime; elitism against their own people and an insufferable classism which has rightfully dispossessed them in their own lands. To blindly come to the defense of whites is to allow the cause but fight against the effect...Tao Of Duplicity
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Santa And The Boogeyman Satan and God
Well, this has to be said. Whenever I hear about "The Synagogue of Satan" or "The Heavenly Father" I have to shake my head and wonder how people who claim to have a monopoly on the truth always conjure these images of "Good" vs "Evil." It presupposes one is guilt free of those crimes of which they lay at the feet of another. The childhood fictions taught seem to never be outgrown and within this box of contrived right and wrong people fight. This is true of those who want to deal only in "facts." The "facts" are rooted and grow from that same mystical place of "Good" and "Evil." I myself try and avoid such stark terms but if I had to define evil it would be as follows: Actions which benefit one at the expense of another with the intent of furthering and/or exploiting the suffering of the intended victim without empathy to the plight of said victim. So, what suffering DO YOU cause in the course of your life? Do living creatures besides humans calculate into your perceptions about yourself and the pious convictions you bear? What presupposition gives you the authority to lay claim to righteous indignation when you are no more than the cattle you herd? If there is a tribe on this planet which bears even a tiny fraction of the power you claim then how are you any different to them from the creatures you slaughter for pleasure? I will not submit to the claim of sustenance because it is more than possible to live and thrive without the bloodshed. Anyway, I digress. Here are the images by which the child and adult operate and create society based on simplistic and shallow concepts of virtue and fear...
Friday, June 17, 2011
Nebraska Nuclear Reactor Flooded
Specifically, the midwestern floods have made the power plant an island, and sandbags, berms and other measures are being deployed to prevent a Fukushima-like problem.
Fort Calhoun's nuclear power plant is one of three reactors across the country that federal regulators said they are most concerned about.Those upgrades are being tested right now, as the area around the Fort Calhoun nuclear power plant is being flooded.
Last year, federal regulators questioned the station's flood protection protocol. NRC officials said they felt the Omaha Public Power District should do more than sandbagging in the event of major flooding along the Missouri river.
OPPD officials said they have already made amends and added new flood gates.
"We updated our flood protection strategy and have tested and re-tested our new strategy. The issue is operationally resolved, and at no time was there a threat to public safety or was public health at risk," OPPD President and Chief Executive Officer Gary Gates said.
Specifically, the midwestern floods have made the power plant an island, and sandbags, berms and other measures are being deployed to prevent a Fukushima-like problem.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Germans tiring of working for PIGS
As the EU prepares its next wad of cash to save Greece from financial collapse, Germans, the main sponsors of the bailout, question why they continue working to pay for Athens' – and others’ - mistakes.
Public anger is mounting in Greece over stricter austerity measures the government has promised to implement to get its hands on more EU aid. The country’s cabinet is to hold an informal discussion of the medium-term plan on Monday.
Meanwhile, European leaders have approved the next payment in its bailout for Athens, bidding to save the country and euro from a default.
But those who are to pay the price of the new aid package could soon take to the streets.
Top German lawyer Markus Kerber is suing the German government to stop it bailing out bankrupt neighbors.
“The euro's dead, long live Germany,” he says. “You can't save the euro by saving Greece, but on the contrary you have to get rid of Greece. Greece is no longer a worthy candidate, no longer a worthy member of the European monetary union.”
The nations labeled in derision by some as the PIIGS of Europe – Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain – must drop the currency now, before they drag down other members, warns Kerber.
Market analyst and author Michael Mross, is among the experts who say Germans are at boiling point – anger which could spill out on to the streets.
As the EU prepares its next wad of cash to save Greece from financial collapse, Germans, the main sponsors of the bailout, question why they continue working to pay for Athens' – and others’ - mistakes.
Public anger is mounting in Greece over stricter austerity measures the government has promised to implement to get its hands on more EU aid. The country’s cabinet is to hold an informal discussion of the medium-term plan on Monday.
Meanwhile, European leaders have approved the next payment in its bailout for Athens, bidding to save the country and euro from a default.
But those who are to pay the price of the new aid package could soon take to the streets.
Top German lawyer Markus Kerber is suing the German government to stop it bailing out bankrupt neighbors.
“The euro's dead, long live Germany,” he says. “You can't save the euro by saving Greece, but on the contrary you have to get rid of Greece. Greece is no longer a worthy candidate, no longer a worthy member of the European monetary union.”
The nations labeled in derision by some as the PIIGS of Europe – Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain – must drop the currency now, before they drag down other members, warns Kerber.
Market analyst and author Michael Mross, is among the experts who say Germans are at boiling point – anger which could spill out on to the streets.
Gran Torino: Kill the White Man by David Yeagley
Gran Torino: Kill the White Man
by David Yeagley · June 5, 2011 · 47 Comments · ShareThis
The message of the movie, Gran Torino (2008), is loud and clear. The white man must die. The darkies either kill him, or he sacrifices himself, or both, but the point of the movie is clarion: kill the white man.Clint Eastwood as “Walt Kowalski,” Holloywood’s racism on display.
Gran Torino may be pawned off by Hollywood as a message of “Catholic” styled forgiveness, restoration of good will, confession, etc. It may be cast as a wondrous group hug of evil whitey with the poor “gook” descendant of some tribe of Southeast Asia. But, any good will costs the life of the white man. Oh, yes, there’s that little bit about Walt Kowalski (Clint Eastwood) coughing up blood, or dying of lung cancer, so, he was going to die anyway. Why not make it count, for good? That’s better than J. B. Books (John Wayne) did in his swan song of a gun play at the end of The Shootist (1976). And besides, Eastwood has been imitating John Wayne since The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly (1966), when he copied the poncho attire Wayne wore in the opening of The Searchers (1956), but that’s a different issue.
Read the rest at http://www.badeagle.com/2011/06/05/gran-torino-kill-the-white-man/
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Iraq Starts Drilling for Oil in Mountains North of Baghdad
E. coli outbreak blamed on German veggie sprouts
HAMBURG, Germany – The terrifying E. coli outbreak in Europe appears to have been caused by vegetable sprouts grown on an organic farm in Germany, an agriculture official Sunday as the toll climbed to at least 22 dead and more than 2,200 sickened.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg Only Eats Animals He Kills
The popular social networking site’s boy genius Mark Zuckerberg is sticking to his own personal food chain these
In a recent CNN Money interview, the self-made Internet billionaire turned confessed killer has publicly admitted to only eating animals he has slaughtered himself.
The popular social networking site’s boy genius Mark Zuckerberg is sticking to his own personal food chain these
In a recent CNN Money interview, the self-made Internet billionaire turned confessed killer has publicly admitted to only eating animals he has slaughtered himself.
Greenpeace activists arrested on Arctic oil rig
COPENHAGEN (AFP) – Eighteen Greenpeace activists who scaled an oil rig off Greenland to protest oil prospecting in the Arctic were on Saturday arrested by police, the environmental group said.
COPENHAGEN (AFP) – Eighteen Greenpeace activists who scaled an oil rig off Greenland to protest oil prospecting in the Arctic were on Saturday arrested by police, the environmental group said.
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