Monday, October 24, 2011

Britons Demand Immigration Restrictions

Britons Demand Immigration Restrictions
Immigration; Posted on: 2011-10-23 14:04:22 [ Printer friendly / Instant flyer ]

This is truly amazing: they shun the words of Enoch Powell, isolate the BNP and yet squawk about government induced Muslim immigration. Its a 'little late' now. Cameron is as apt to fix it as Obama is going fix our Mexican immigration invasion in the States. --Ed.
With public discontent growing over the burgeoning number of foreigners flooding into their country, many Britons are expecting their government to restrict immigration, and require immigrants to speak English before being allowed into their nation.
A virtual tidal wave of immigrants is swamping the United Kingdom with new arrivals. Although the Conservative Party under the leadership of Prime Minister David Cameron has decried the influx of foreigners — both legal and illegal — into the UK, the current ruling party has found that it is much easier to describe the problem than to solve it. An article by Soeren Kern for Hudson New York (“Britain Launches Crackdown on Illegal Immigration”) details the daunting scope of the flood of migrants that has resulted from the disastrous policies of the former, Labour government:

When Germany explained to the world that this would have to be done you called them a racist nation which had to be destroyed in the spirit of universality.  Now it's a good idea huh???  The Brits and Americans still hold up the notion that WWII was fought so the world could be free of national restraints and "racism" of all sorts.  Whites all over the world ARE STILL called nazis when they want to preserve their cultural and racial heritage.  The same people who wanted to destroy borders between nation states now expect the white world to forget about what they imposed onto the west and adopt policies which they fought against for decades.  There is satisfaction is knowing you are right when the world has rallied against you for so long but there is also a disgust for your own people who have worked against the interests of their own kind...TOD

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