Thursday, September 15, 2011

Israel boycott in NSW
Israel boycott splits NSW Greens
ABC September 15, 2011, 2:49 pm

A fresh split has emerged within the New South Wales Greens over the party's support for a boycott of Israel.
The boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign has already caused division in the Greens at a federal and state level.
Today the cracks emerged in the NSW Parliament, when Upper House Liberal MP David Clarke introduced a motion condemning the boycott.
"We need to make clear that we are disgusted and sickened by the racism, by the anti-Semitism," Mr Clarke told Parliament.
Greens MPs David Shoebridge and John Kaye reiterated their support for the BDS movement.
"It is the only non-violent way to put real pressure on Israel. It is part of the proud tradition of Gandhi and Martin Luther King," Dr Kaye said.
But Greens MP Cate Faehrmann has indicated she will not vote with her party colleagues.
"I share concerns of some members that the tone and public perception of these protests have been counter productive," Ms Faehrmann said.

This article is interesting for a couple of reasons.  First, the following quote by MP David Clarke:
"We need to make clear that we are disgusted and sickened by the racism, by the anti-Semitism," has much to offer in flushing out the duplicity with regards to Israel.  By this statement we are enlightened to the fact that the State of Israel is a racial state (ie: sickened by the racism) and a religious state (ie: sickened by the anti-semitism).  If anti-semitism meant race alone it would be redundant to say racism AND anti-semitism.  

Second, what is so duplicitous about the support of the State of Israel by western countries is that the west bombs theocratic nation states BECAUSE they are theocratic.  Take the middle east and all the wars declared because of Islamic Fundamentalism. What is considered Islamic Fundamentalism is nothing more than a form of government run by religious Muslims.  If you are against your own western government being run by religion and you are against Muslims IN THEIR OWN COUNTRIES running it according to the Koran THEN HOW CAN YOU CONDONE AND FINANCIALLY SUPPORT ISRAEL WHO IS A COUNTRY CREATED BY AND FOR JEWS BOTH AS A RELIGION AND AS A RACE?!?!?!

 Ask yourself this question;  all of the furor over the separation of church and state in white western countries yet  israel receives more support that any other nation by the west…Does this sound as though an honest approach is being taken, not only towards the pro-israeli bias but within your own western countries?  Is this double standard clear to you or is truth relative?  I contend that truth is relative and is whatever those who control the status-quo say it is t any given time.  I believe people love aggression and power which is why the truth is always a casualty with regards to philosophical enquiry.  Basically, truth is whatever the powers that be say it is and is whatever keeps the reign of power implemented.

 There are PLENTY of figures which show Israel is the most supported nation which is propped up by the west.  In fact, it is so well funded that it may be that Israel now props up the west (ie: the tail wagging the dog).  But, this blog addition isn't about whether or not this is so.  The facts are there and may be added at a future date.  The point is that the west is propping up and supporting a religious AND racial state known as Israel while in it's OWN lands condemns religious forms of government and spends millions restructuring the educational system to such an effect.  The point is that this David Clarke character is ALL FOR a jewish religious and racial state over in the Middle East but would condemn a White Racial State which promoted, well, let's say something like Covenant Identity or the Creativity Movement.  The irony, hubris and duplicity are painfully clear; The David Clarkes of the world are promoting a racial and religious state which, by it’s very definition, is racist so THEY THEMSELVES WHO FURTHER THE ISRAELI AGENDA MUST BE RACIST!  All the while, wagging their accusing finger against the racists of the world.  According to their own philosophy they themselves are racists for promoting such a state.  How easy it would be to challenge this David Clarke and ask him on the political floor if by his statements he is implying that Israel is a religious and racial state.  He must admit this because he is saying it is racist AND anti-semitic to attack this state, suggesting the state is racial and religious to begin with.  Anyway, National Socialist Germany was taken down with far less incriminating evidence to suggest it was racist or xenophobic.  As I’ve said, the truth is relative and not just to the powers that be but to the people they preach to.  In fact, if the masses were NOT THEMSELVES relative moralists then the powers that be wouldn’t have a leg to stand on.   What you see is not injustice but Tao for it is the will of the people…TOD

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