Tao Of Duplicity Radio Show
- TOD 10-13-11 Elitism vs Racial Solidarity; There Can Be Only One
- TOD 9-29-11 The Zio-Nazi Conundrum
- TOD 9-25-11 You Are The Meat, Not The Meek
- TOD 9-9-11 Dualism, Moral Relativism and Duplicity
- TOD 8-28-11 Duplicity By Any Other Name
- TOD 8-21-11 The Refugees You Never See
- TOD 8-15-11 As Below So Above
- TOD 8-8-11 Racial Survival 101
- TOD 7-23-11 White & Impolite
- TOD 7-9-11 White Community vs White Grift
- TOD 7-2-11 Human Resources, Assets and Ego As Truth
- TOD 6-25-11 Cause & Effect Not Good & Evil
- TOD 6-18-11 Show me yours and I'll show you mine
- TOD 6-11-11 FIRST SHOW
Friday, September 30, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Black Lawmakers Show Their Racial Hand
It's not abnormal for blacks to think this way, it's abnormal for whites not to...TOD
Black Lawmakers Show Their Racial Hand |
Race; Posted on: 2011-09-20 15:41:20 [ Printer friendly / Instant flyer ] |
Unhappy members of the Congressional Black Caucus “probably would be marching on the White House” if Obama were not president, according to CBC Chairman Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.). "If [former President] Bill Clinton had been in the White House and had failed to address this problem, we probably would be marching on the White House," Cleaver told “The Miami Herald” in comments published Sunday. "There is a less-volatile reaction in the CBC because nobody wants to do anything that would empower the people who hate the president." CBC members have expressed concern in recent months as the unemployment rate has continued to rise amongst African-Americans, pushing for Obama to do more to address the needs of vulnerable communities. the rest HERE |
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
NZ woman tells of sex-slave nightmare
A New Zealand woman has revealed how an exciting Facebook invitation turned into a nightmare.
Mary Elizabeth Jones, 39, has told the New Zealand Herald how she was forced into prostitution after being duped by a Facebook invitation to join a martial arts school.
A martial arts enthusiast, Ms Jones later answered a message from the group inviting her to an intense training camp in the Philippines in October.
"They were meant to be world class and I thought this was a chance for me to learn from the best," Ms Jones told the Herald.
She was instead robbed of her belongings and thrown into a bug-infested room after she was picked up in Iloilo City Airport by a man who claimed he was the group's leader.
Jones was made to have sex with up to nine men a day, with each reportedly paying 5000 pesos (NZ$140).
"I felt utterly disgusted, and I was treated like a piece of meat," she told the Herald.
"It was meant to be a trip of a lifetime but it has destroyed my whole life instead."
Ms Jones was punished with beatings when she attempted to escape.
She was dumped on the streets of Manila after torment and starvation left her too weak to stand.
"I hate myself immensely and feel so dirty. I wish I could have just died in the Philippines rather than go on living like this," says Ms Jones.
Five months after her ordeal, Ms Jones is recovering in a boarding house in Mangere and wants to warn others.
The Philippines is listed as a source country for human trafficking, according to the latest Trafficking in Person Report by the US Department of State.
"Hundreds of victims are subjected to forced prostitution each day in well-known and highly visible business establishments that cater to both domestic and foreign demand for commercial sex acts," the report says.
Two things regarding this article: First, this woman is complaining that she was treated like a piece of meat which translates to animal slaughter used for consumption is par for the course. My response is, well, those who held you in bondage saw you like you saw a piece of meat & as a commodity. What part of taking advantage of a helpless creature don't you understand? Why should you be treated any differently by those in a highly advantageous situation than you do similarly while in a highly advantageous situation? Where does this righteous indignation fit into the scheme of things when the governing philosophy of all nations is predatory? Who are you to plea for mercy? You are the meat and how ironic it is that you sought to hone your predatory skills with martial arts and got (h)owned...TOD
Second, Racial Awareness trumps martial arts.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Grizzly bear kills hunter in Montana
AAP © Enlarge photo
Grizzly bear kills hunter in Montana
AAP September 17, 2011, 5:06 pm
A grizzly bear killed a hunter in a remote area along the Idaho-Montana border, and then was fatally shot by the hunter's partner, authorities say.
The attack occurred about 10am local time on Friday in the mountainous, heavily forested region near the Canadian border.
The identity of the hunter who was killed is being withheld until his family is notified.
It is illegal to kill a grizzly bear, which is listed as threatened in most of the United States. It was not immediately known if the hunter who shot the bear will be charged with a crime.
The attack occurred about 10am local time on Friday in the mountainous, heavily forested region near the Canadian border.
The identity of the hunter who was killed is being withheld until his family is notified.
It is illegal to kill a grizzly bear, which is listed as threatened in most of the United States. It was not immediately known if the hunter who shot the bear will be charged with a crime.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Jews will play a leading role in multicultural Europe says Jewish researcher
Relegated to the "do as I say and not as I do" files. Look a few posts down to see how Israel views refugees and what should be done with them if they wind up in Israel...Send them to Australia because they want a Jewish majority in Israel. The woman in this video I GUARANTEE is opposed to non-jewish immigration into Israel. This is the duplicity which governs the world and believing that truth holds any sway in such decision making is akin to believing in the Easter Bunny...TOD
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Spot The Duplicity
I contend that if you voted for obama to prove you weren't a racist YOU HAVE ALREADY PROVEN yourself to be an idiot...
Israel boycott in NSW
Israel boycott splits NSW Greens
ABC September 15, 2011, 2:49 pm
A fresh split has emerged within the New South Wales Greens over the party's support for a boycott of Israel.
The boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign has already caused division in the Greens at a federal and state level.
Today the cracks emerged in the NSW Parliament, when Upper House Liberal MP David Clarke introduced a motion condemning the boycott.
"We need to make clear that we are disgusted and sickened by the racism, by the anti-Semitism," Mr Clarke told Parliament.
Greens MPs David Shoebridge and John Kaye reiterated their support for the BDS movement.
"It is the only non-violent way to put real pressure on Israel. It is part of the proud tradition of Gandhi and Martin Luther King," Dr Kaye said.
But Greens MP Cate Faehrmann has indicated she will not vote with her party colleagues.
"I share concerns of some members that the tone and public perception of these protests have been counter productive," Ms Faehrmann said.
This article is interesting for a couple of reasons. First, the following quote by MP David Clarke:
"We need to make clear that we are disgusted and sickened by the racism, by the anti-Semitism," has much to offer in flushing out the duplicity with regards to Israel. By this statement we are enlightened to the fact that the State of Israel is a racial state (ie: sickened by the racism) and a religious state (ie: sickened by the anti-semitism). If anti-semitism meant race alone it would be redundant to say racism AND anti-semitism.
Second, what is so duplicitous about the support of the State of Israel by western countries is that the west bombs theocratic nation states BECAUSE they are theocratic. Take the middle east and all the wars declared because of Islamic Fundamentalism. What is considered Islamic Fundamentalism is nothing more than a form of government run by religious Muslims. If you are against your own western government being run by religion and you are against Muslims IN THEIR OWN COUNTRIES running it according to the Koran THEN HOW CAN YOU CONDONE AND FINANCIALLY SUPPORT ISRAEL WHO IS A COUNTRY CREATED BY AND FOR JEWS BOTH AS A RELIGION AND AS A RACE?!?!?!
Ask yourself this question; all of the furor over the separation of church and state in white western countries yet israel receives more support that any other nation by the west…Does this sound as though an honest approach is being taken, not only towards the pro-israeli bias but within your own western countries? Is this double standard clear to you or is truth relative? I contend that truth is relative and is whatever those who control the status-quo say it is t any given time. I believe people love aggression and power which is why the truth is always a casualty with regards to philosophical enquiry. Basically, truth is whatever the powers that be say it is and is whatever keeps the reign of power implemented.
There are PLENTY of figures which show Israel is the most supported nation which is propped up by the west. In fact, it is so well funded that it may be that Israel now props up the west (ie: the tail wagging the dog). But, this blog addition isn't about whether or not this is so. The facts are there and may be added at a future date. The point is that the west is propping up and supporting a religious AND racial state known as Israel while in it's OWN lands condemns religious forms of government and spends millions restructuring the educational system to such an effect. The point is that this David Clarke character is ALL FOR a jewish religious and racial state over in the Middle East but would condemn a White Racial State which promoted, well, let's say something like Covenant Identity or the Creativity Movement. The irony, hubris and duplicity are painfully clear; The David Clarkes of the world are promoting a racial and religious state which, by it’s very definition, is racist so THEY THEMSELVES WHO FURTHER THE ISRAELI AGENDA MUST BE RACIST! All the while, wagging their accusing finger against the racists of the world. According to their own philosophy they themselves are racists for promoting such a state. How easy it would be to challenge this David Clarke and ask him on the political floor if by his statements he is implying that Israel is a religious and racial state. He must admit this because he is saying it is racist AND anti-semitic to attack this state, suggesting the state is racial and religious to begin with. Anyway, National Socialist Germany was taken down with far less incriminating evidence to suggest it was racist or xenophobic. As I’ve said, the truth is relative and not just to the powers that be but to the people they preach to. In fact, if the masses were NOT THEMSELVES relative moralists then the powers that be wouldn’t have a leg to stand on. What you see is not injustice but Tao for it is the will of the people…TOD
Monday, September 12, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Israel spies on the USA part 1
In November, 2001, Fox News aired this four part series, which shows that Israeli intelligence has total control over the information networks in the USA. Also, they said 60 Israeli spies, with explosives training, were arrested in connection with the 9/11 attack.
In November, 2001, Fox News aired this four part series, which shows that Israeli intelligence has total control over the information networks in the USA. Also, they said 60 Israeli spies, with explosives training, were arrested in connection with the 9/11 attack.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Danny Danon: Send African Migrants to Australia (NOT ISRAEL)
Likud MK and Australian MP discuss "humane solution" for thousands of 'Muslim infiltrators' in Israel: Send them to live down under.
MK Danny Danon (Likud) asked Australian MP Michael Danby on Wednesday to propose, in parliament in Canberra, sending African migrants from Israel to Australia.
Danon and Danby discussed the issue during the Australian politician’s visit to Israel for the World Jewish Congress’s International Conference of Jewish Parliamentarians.
“The arrival of thousands of Muslim infiltrators to Israeli territory is a clear threat to the state’s Jewish identity,” Danon told The Jerusalem Post.
“The refugees’ place is not among us, and the initiative to transfer them to Australia is the right and just solution.
“On the one hand, it treats the refugees and migrants in a humane way. On the other hand, it does not threaten Israel’s future and our goal to maintain a clear and solid Jewish majority,” he explained.
Jews as a race have this reputation for being the most tolerant champions of the downtrodden. They are considered heroes who overcame their victimhood and rose to global power by sheer will and determination. Why is it the world only cares to learn (or propagandized to learn) the positive yet refuse to see the underbelly of this racial group? Why is it that they encourage all others to engage in diversity and race-mixing but for their own country and people promote racial-solidarity and self-determination? More importantly, why do whites ALLOW THEMSELVES to be treated in such a hypocritical manner by a group who outright tries to destroy them? This article reveals the utter intolerance of israeli policy. When immigrants travel to israel they are considered "infiltrators" but when entering any western country it is jews in high places who push for more immigration, legal and illegal. They are considered "undocumented workers" now because it just sounds better. Undocumented workers vs infiltrators, it's amazing the influential effect of rhetoric on the feeble-minded...TOD
Likud MK and Australian MP discuss "humane solution" for thousands of 'Muslim infiltrators' in Israel: Send them to live down under.
MK Danny Danon (Likud) asked Australian MP Michael Danby on Wednesday to propose, in parliament in Canberra, sending African migrants from Israel to Australia.
Danon and Danby discussed the issue during the Australian politician’s visit to Israel for the World Jewish Congress’s International Conference of Jewish Parliamentarians.
“The arrival of thousands of Muslim infiltrators to Israeli territory is a clear threat to the state’s Jewish identity,” Danon told The Jerusalem Post.
“The refugees’ place is not among us, and the initiative to transfer them to Australia is the right and just solution.
“On the one hand, it treats the refugees and migrants in a humane way. On the other hand, it does not threaten Israel’s future and our goal to maintain a clear and solid Jewish majority,” he explained.
Jews as a race have this reputation for being the most tolerant champions of the downtrodden. They are considered heroes who overcame their victimhood and rose to global power by sheer will and determination. Why is it the world only cares to learn (or propagandized to learn) the positive yet refuse to see the underbelly of this racial group? Why is it that they encourage all others to engage in diversity and race-mixing but for their own country and people promote racial-solidarity and self-determination? More importantly, why do whites ALLOW THEMSELVES to be treated in such a hypocritical manner by a group who outright tries to destroy them? This article reveals the utter intolerance of israeli policy. When immigrants travel to israel they are considered "infiltrators" but when entering any western country it is jews in high places who push for more immigration, legal and illegal. They are considered "undocumented workers" now because it just sounds better. Undocumented workers vs infiltrators, it's amazing the influential effect of rhetoric on the feeble-minded...TOD
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Nazi Girl Sentenced To Read Anne Frank
The 16-year-old - named only as Lisa in court in Kassel, Germany - had been found guilty of daubing SS symbols and swastikas on posters but had no idea what the SS were.
So rather than jail her, judge Reinhardt Hering ordered her to read the book about a Jewish girl's life in hiding in German occupied Holland during World War II and then write him an essay on Nazis.
A court spokesman said: "Our aim is to make her think, teach her the right ways. Hopefully she will learn something form it.
Wow, that is punishment; cruel and unusual...
08. 09. 11. - 13:00
Nazi Girl Sentenced To Read Anne Frank
A judge has sentenced a teenage neo-Nazi to read the Diary of Anne Frank to learn about the real evil of Adolf Hitler and his henchmen.The 16-year-old - named only as Lisa in court in Kassel, Germany - had been found guilty of daubing SS symbols and swastikas on posters but had no idea what the SS were.
So rather than jail her, judge Reinhardt Hering ordered her to read the book about a Jewish girl's life in hiding in German occupied Holland during World War II and then write him an essay on Nazis.
A court spokesman said: "Our aim is to make her think, teach her the right ways. Hopefully she will learn something form it.
Wow, that is punishment; cruel and unusual...
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Gunman kills 3 at Nevada IHOP, including guardsmen
CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) — A gunman wielding an AK-47 opened fire on a table of uniformed National Guard members at an IHOP restaurant on Tuesday in an outburst of violence that killed four people, wounded eight others and put Nevada's capital city on high alert.
Five Nevada National Guard troops sitting together at the back of the restaurant were shot — two of them fatally. Another woman was also killed, and the gunman, 32-year-old Eduardo Sencion of Carson City, shot himself in the head and died at a hospital.
The shooter's motive was unclear, but family members said he had mental issues. He had never been in the military and had no known affiliation with anyone inside the restaurant.
Witnesses and authorities described a frantic scene in the bustling business district, in which the shooter pulled into the large complex of retail stores and shops just before 9 a.m. in a blue minivan with a yellow "Support Our Troops" sticker on the back. He got out and immediately shot a woman near a motorcycle, a witness said.
Ralph Swagler said he grabbed his own weapon, but said it was too late to stop the shooter, who charged into the IHOP through the front doors.
"I wish I had shot at him when he was going in the IHOP," said Swagler, who owns Locals BBQ & Grill. "But when he came at me, when somebody is pointing an automatic weapon at you — you can't believe the firepower, the kind of rounds coming out of that weapon."
The gunman went all the way to the back of the restaurant to the back area and opened fire, Carson City Sheriff Kenny Furlong said.
When he left the restaurant, he stood in the parking lot and shot into the nearby businesses, shattering the windows of a barbecue restaurant and an H&R Block and a casino across the street.
Officers arrived minutes later and found the suspect and the person who was by the motorcycle wounded and lying in the parking lot. The names of the victims, including two male Guard members who were killed, were not immediately released.
Sencion left two more guns in the van — a rifle and a pistol, authorities said.
As the attack unfolded, Nevada officials worried about the violence being more widespread. They locked down the state Capitol and Supreme Court buildings for about 40 minutes, and put extra security in place at state and military buildings in northern Nevada."There were concerns at the onset, so we took certain steps to ensure we had the capability to embrace an even larger circumstance," Furlong said. "At this point in time it appears to be isolated to this parking lot."
Reno-based FBI special agent Michael West said there was no indication of any terrorist plot.As police interviewed dozens of witnesses after the shooting and kept the gathering crowd of media at bay, a body lay on the ground, covered with a white sheet except for the feet, clad in tan boots.
Sencion was born in Mexico and had a valid U.S. passport. In interviews with investigators after the shooting, his family raised concerns about his mental health, Furlong said. Sencion worked at his family's business in South Lake Tahoe and had no criminal history. The minivan he drove to the shooting was registered to his brother.
The shooting shocked some who knew him, including Joe Laub, his lawyer in a bankruptcy filing in January 2009, who called it an "aberration of his character.""He's a gentle, kind man who was very helpful to friends and family," Laub told The Associated Press. "I couldn't venture to guess what would cause him to do something as horrible as this."
In the bankruptcy filing, Sencion listed more than $42,000 in outstanding debts for a car, several credit cards and some medical expenses. At the time, Sencion reported having $200 spread over three bank accounts and $923 in disability income, mostly from Social Security.At a Reno hospital, service members gathered, waiting for word on those killed and hurt. A hospital spokesman said four shooting victims were being treated there, but wouldn't discuss their conditions or provide any other information. Two of the three wounded guard members were women. Authorities provided few details about the five other injured people, except to say one was a woman who was found near a motorcycle. Three of those wounded have minor wounds; the others were shot in critical areas of the body, Furlong said.
"You go a whole tour in Afghanistan and no one is shot. And you go to IHOP and several are shot," said 31-year-old Sgt. First Class Cameron Anderson of Reno, a Nevada Army National Guard member. "It's a shock. I came to work today and had no idea I'd be driving the chaplain here (to the hospital.)"
Another Guard member, 33-year-old Spc. Lee Amato, said he didn't know the victims' names but expected they were people he knew."It's hard to believe something like this would happen to really good people," Amato said. "It's like a hole, something taken away. It's mind-boggling and hard to comprehend."
The IHOP is about four miles from the Guard's headquarters complex. Nevada National Guard spokeswoman April Conway said she didn't know why the five Guard members had met at the IHOP. Conway said she did not believe any of the Guard members at the restaurant were armed.
"Our guards would have no reason to be carrying military weapons here today," Conway said. "We have no reason to believe that any of them were armed with personal weapons."
Furlong says they're analyzing the shooter's weapon to determine whether it is automatic or semi-automatic.Nevada's capital city of some 50,000 is normally a sleepy town when lawmakers are not in session, a jumping off point 30 miles south of Reno for travelers headed to Lake Tahoe or back to California across the Sierra.
"I've lived in Carson City since 1961 and I've never seen anything like this," said Fran Hunter, who works at the Sierra Le Bone pet shop just north of the IHOP. "This is the kind of thing that happens in New York City or L.A., not here."
___Associated Press writers Michelle Rindels, Ken Ritter and Oskar Garcia in Las Vegas; Martin Griffith in Reno; and Scott Sonner in Carson City contributed to this report.
I thought this statement full of chutzpuh:
"He's a gentle, kind man who was very helpful to friends and family," Laub told The Associated Press. "I couldn't venture to guess what would cause him to do something as horrible as this."
And here is the kicker:
which means he probably DOESN'T have one. Funny how the media and authorities are working hard to exonerate this guy in the minds of those who are following the story. There is bias IN ALL THINGS and the irony is ALL people bend over backwards to prove that they DON'T have bias. This guy serves the special interests of special people and is therefore an asset. Most assets of these special people are dangerous to live around but are sold to the white public as "joys of diversity." But, whites are HUGE backbiters and commit treason against their own people as though it was their religion so expect more of the same. The reason the powers that be get away with all of this is BECAUSE OF WHITE COMPLICITY!!! NOT THE JEW BUT WHITE WHO CAN'T HELP BUT HUMILIATE THOSE OF THEIR OWN RACE!
The reason it's not being considered a terrorist attack is because the government doesn't want mexicans to be looked at in a negative light. Mexicans are a strong element regarding political control and serve as the best weapon in changing the USA's demographic from white to non-white. If a white guy had done this there would be no quarter. It would be considered terrorism because white terrorism is the new model the State is selling the public. So, the details of a story will differ based on the race of the perpetrator, it's as simple as that. Multiple murders such as those found in this story are considered an "aberration of character" when a mestizo commits it but "symptomatic" when it's a white perpetrator.
While white people are busy tripping over themselves to prove to the world that racial differences don't exist the government and news are using all sophistry at their disposal to change reality to meet their expectations. If the dumb white goy are corrupt enough to believe it then why SHOULDN'T it be sold to them? It is a christian cultist idea to take all sin from the world and make people believe the sin is then taken from their soul. Your race should be strong enough to resist it's own manipulation and genocide. Why am I focused on race and not american normalcy? Because a nation is the product of race and yes, that means a multicultural America can only exist in a fantasy (or more like a nightmare). Once multiculturalism happens you've got yourself a corporation and not a nation anymore...TOD
Sunday, September 4, 2011
The ‘Green Dragon’ Slayers: How the Religious Right and the Corporate Right are Joining Forces to Fight Environmental Protection
The ‘Green Dragon’ Slayers: How the Religious Right and the Corporate Right are Joining Forces to Fight Environmental Protection
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Corporate America’s Religious Right Power Play
- Painting Environmental Protection as Anti-Christian
- Blending Fundamentalism with Climate Change Denialism
- In Praise of CO2
- Crocodile Tears for the Poor
- Conclusion
As Republican officials accelerate their efforts to weaken environmental regulations and attack climate scientists, energy corporations are reaping the benefits of a decades-long effort to put a more benevolent, humanitarian, and even religious spin to their anti-environmental activism. Among their most valuable allies are the Religious Right organizations and leaders who have emerged as ready apologists for polluters and critics of efforts to protect the environment. The Religious Right’s attacks are intended to lend credence to the efforts of corporations and the GOP to quash the Environmental Protection Agency and chip away at state and federal environmental safeguards. And increasingly, Republican leaders themselves are echoing the same misleading arguments and themes of the Religious Right’s corporate apologists.Buoyed by corporate finances and a radical ‘dominion theology,’ the Religious Right has become more aggressive and fanatical in its defense of corporations and denial of climate science. Trying to combat the increasing number of evangelical Christians who are part of the “creation care” movement that is calling for a greater commitment to combat climate change, the Religious Right is working to misrepresent the environmental movement as dangerously deceitful, harmful to the poor and destructive to Christianity.
Corporate America’s Religious Right Power Play
In the last decade, as evangelical Christian leaders increasingly became involved in conservation, “creation care” and taking action against global climate change, the alarms went up in corporate America that many traditional members of the conservative coalition were becoming advocates for environmental protection. To counter the rise of the faith-based environmentalist Evangelical Climate Initiative, the Interfaith Stewardship Alliance emerged. The ISA, propped up by business interests including Exxon Mobil, has peddled misleading and false claims to make the case that climate change is a myth. In 2007, the ISA was renamed the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation and became more belligerent and zealous in its anti-environmental activities.The Cornwall Alliance is led by E. Calvin Beisner, who believes that since God granted humans “dominion” over the earth, humans have a right to exploit all natural resources. As Randall Balmer writes in Thy Kingdom Come, Beisner “asserts that God has placed all of nature at the disposal of humanity.” Balmer quotes Beisner’s own summary of his dominion theology: “All of our acquisitive activities should be undertaken with the purpose of extending godly rule, or dominion.” As Balmer notes, “the combination of dominion theology from the Religious Right and the wise use ideology of corporate and business interests has created a powerful coalition to oppose environmental protection.”
According to a report by Think Progress, the Cornwall Alliance is a front group for the shadowy James Partnership. Both the James Partnership and the Cornwall Alliance are closely linked to the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), an anti-environmental group that is “funded by at least $542,000 from ExxonMobil, $60,500 from Chevron, and $1,280,000 from Scaife family foundations, which are rooted in wealth from Gulf Oil and steel interests.” CFACT is also part of a climate change denialist network funded by the ExxonMobil-financed Competitive Enterprise Institute.
Beisner is a CFACT board member and an “adjunct fellow” of the Acton Institute, which is primarily funded by groups like ExxonMobil, the Scaife foundations and the Koch brothers. Beisner is also an adviser to the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, which is financed by the oil-backed Earthart Foundation, the Koch brothers, and ExxonMobil.
In fact, Beisner is not a scientist and has no scientific credentials. Despite claiming to be an authority on energy and environmental issues, he received his Ph.D. in Scottish History.
In 2009, Beisner’s Cornwall Alliance cosponsored a climate change denial conference led by the Heartland Institute, a pro-corporate group funded by Exxon Mobil, the Koch Family Foundations, and the Scaife foundations. Other organizations funded by energy corporations that cosponsored the conference include the Competitive Enterprise Institute, the Heritage Foundation, Americans for Tax Reform, and Americans for Prosperity.
The Cornwall Alliance has been enormously successful in recruiting Religious Right leaders to promote its anti-environmental cause. In 1999, the group started recruiting prominent Religious Right figures to sign the “Cornwall Declaration,” a document that attacks environmentalists, saying they “deify nature or oppose human dominion over creation” and promote “erroneous theological and anthropological positions.” Among its signatories were Focus on the Family founder James Dobson, Chuck Colson of the Colson Center, D. James Kennedy of Coral Ridge Ministries, Donald Wildmon of the American Family Association, Janice Shaw Crouse of Concerned Women for America, Daniel Lapin of Towards Tradition, and Frank Pavone of Priests for Life. The president of CFACT called himself “a driving force” behind the declaration.
Recently, the group started collecting signatures for an updated “Evangelical Declaration on Global Warming,” which states that “there is no convincing scientific evidence that human contribution to greenhouse gases is causing dangerous global warming” and maintains that “reducing greenhouse gases cannot achieve significant reductions in future global temperatures.”
The Cornwall Alliance’s board includes Religions Right notables David Barton of WallBuilders, Lou Sheldon of the Traditional Values Center, Jerry Newcombe of Coral Ridge Ministries and Joel Belz of WORLD Magazine.
Painting Environmental Protection as Anti-Christian
In 2007, Jerry Falwell warned that environmental action was “Satan's attempt to redirect the church’s primary focus” away from evangelism and religious faith, and a year later James Dobson and Gary Bauer slammed Rev. Richard Cizik, a principal evangelical supporter of environmental protection, and his allies for “using the global warming controversy to shift the emphasis away from the great moral issues of our time.”The Cornwall Alliance has coordinated with Religious Right leaders to accuse Christians who believe in environmental protection not only of attempting to divide the faith community, but of promoting a dangerous anti-religious and anti-Christian agenda. The group calls the environmentalist movement “The Green Dragon” and earlier this year produced a star-studded documentary to help slay it.
The Cornwall Alliance’s documentary, “Resisting the Green Dragon,” includes appearances by a who’s who of Religious Right leaders: Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council; Tom Minnery of Focus on the Family; Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission; Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association; Wendy Wright of Concerned Women for America; David Barton of WallBuilders; Michael Farris of the Home School Legal Defense Association and Patrick Henry College; radio show host Janet Parshall; and anti-gay activist Bishop Harry Jackson.
In heartfelt interviews for the documentary, these activists claim that the environmental movement (The Green Dragon) is promoting an anti-religious agenda: Parshall derides the Green Dragon’s “lust for political power” and “spiritual deception,” and calls the environmental movement “deadly to the Gospel of Jesus Christ”; Fischer labels it a “threat to the Christian faith”; Perkins claims that environmentalists are “pointing people away from God and into humanism” and support “an unbiblical view”; Beisner says “the green movement threatens liberty”; and Farris warns that environmentalists are “scaring little children to achieve [their] political ends.” Barton adds a summary of the dominion theology: “Mankind is the apex of creation; He placed it over the planet, over the environment.”
The Cornwall Alliance’s companion book, “Resisting the Green Dragon: Dominion, Not Death,” warns of “The Church Complicit: How Environmentalism Has Penetrated the Church with Anti-Human and Anti-Christian Ideas.”
Along with Barton, Beisner appeared on Glenn Beck’s television show to claim that environmental protection is an attack against religion and humanity. Beck accused environmentalists of holding “anti-human” beliefs and “worshiping the ancient god of Babylon, the god of weather,” warning that “the progressive left is coming for the kill on religion.”
Beisner now boasts that approximately half of all Protestant pastors are skeptical of climate change, and charges that “the root of belief in catastrophic, man-made global warming is anti-biblical” and “blasphemous.”
Blending Fundamentalism with Climate Change Denialism
As the 2010 Republican takeover of the House of Representatives and major gains in Senate and the states have hardened the GOP’s anti-environment stance, the Religious Right’s enthusiastic embrace of climate change denial has seeped even further into GOP discourse about the environment.Conservative religious leaders have lent credence and a veneer of righteousness to the rapidly growing climate change denialism in the GOP, and in turn GOP leaders have begun to pick up their talking points. Land of the Southern Baptist Convention argued that environmentalists’ “exaggerated or baseless fears lead to unreasonable policies that can do a lot more harm than the things feared,” Fischer of the American Family Association said that “exaggerations, myths, and outright lies are commonplace in the environmental movement” and Focus on the Family’s Minnery lamented, “when we think about science, we think about the truth; yet in so-called global warming science, we’ve gotten a lot less than the truth many times.”
Increasingly, Republicans are using the ideological rhetoric of groups like the Cornwall Alliance as they launch attacks against the Environmental Protection Agency, climate scientists, and efforts in both Congress and state legislatures to regulate polluters. In fact, both Religious Right leaders and some Republican officials are suggesting that the very notion that humans are harming the planet is somehow a repudiation of the biblical story that God promised Noah after the flood that He would never again destroy the earth.
Congressman John Shimkus (R-IL), who is now chairman of the Subcommittee on Environment and the Economy, during a 2009 hearing said:
“I want to start with Genesis 8, verse 21 and 22, ‘Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood, and never again will I destroy all living creatures as I have done. As long as the earth endures, sea time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.’ I believe that’s the infallible word of God and that’s the way it’s going to be for His creation. The second verse comes from Matthew 24, “And He will send his Angels with a loud trumpet call and they will gather His elect from the Four Winds, from one end of the Heavens to the other.” The earth will end only when God declares it’s time to be over. Man will not destroy the earth. This earth will not be destroyed by a flood.
Congresswoman and likely presidential candidate Michele Bachmann (R-MN) derided House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi’s environmental policies, telling the American Family Association’s OneNewsNow,“[Pelosi] is committed to her global warming fanaticism to the point where she has said that she’s just trying to save the planet. We all know that someone did that over 2,000 years ago, they saved the planet -- we didn’t need Nancy Pelosi to do that.”
The leading climate change denialist in the Senate, Jim Inhofe (R-OK), who is the ranking member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, agreed with a caller on a radio show who claimed that “the world is just changing like it usually does,” replying: “I think what he’s saying is God’s still up there. We’re going through these cycles.… I really believe that a lot of people are in denial who want to hang their hat on the fact, that they believe is a fact, that man-made gases, anthropogenic gases, are causing global warming. The science really isn’t there.”
In Praise of CO2
Part of the climate change denial movement centers on the case that escalating emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) are good for the environment. As PolitiFact notes, while CO2 is “naturally occurring,” it “is also emitted when we burn fossil fuels.” As a greenhouse gas, CO2 “traps energy from the sun in the atmosphere,” which leads to warming temperatures. The level of CO2 in the atmosphere is rapidly growing, and the International Panel on Climate Change confirmed unequivocally “that the marked increase in atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) since 1750 is the result of human activities.”Even a recent UC Berkeley study that attempted to “challenge the scientific consensus on global warming is finding that its data-crunching effort is producing results nearly identical to those underlying the prevailing view” that human activities have led to a sharp increase in emissions of greenhouse gases like CO2 that is increasing temperatures.
But the Religious Right’s anti-environmental movement has a different view. Beisner told Bryan Fischer on his radio show that “higher CO2” is a “win-win situation, it’s a very good thing to see CO2 rising.”
Similarly, Bachmann stated on the House floor, “Carbon dioxide, Mister Speaker, is a natural byproduct of nature. Carbon dioxide is natural. It occurs in Earth.” She went on to argue that “there isn’t even one study that can be produced that shows carbon dioxide is a harmful gas. There isn’t one such study because carbon dioxide is not a harmful gas, it is a harmless gas.”
But Bachmann isn’t alone in her ignorance of the problem of CO2. Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) claimed that “the idea that carbon dioxide is a carcinogen that is harmful to our environment is almost comical.”
A Republican state senator in Montana went even further, introducing a resolution that would declare that “global warming is beneficial to the welfare and business climate of Montana; reasonable amounts of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere have no verifiable impacts on the environment; and global warming is a natural occurrence and human activity has not accelerated it.”
Republicans in Congress even tried to pass a bill that would repeal the “scientific determination by the EPA that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse-gas pollutants are a threat to human health and welfare,” legislation which received praise from Beisner and Focus on the Family’s political arm Citizen Link. The GOP’s push to overturn the scientific finding that CO2 causes pollution detrimental to humans led one congressman to wonder if the Republicans would next try to “excommunicate the finding that the Earth revolves around the sun.”
Crocodile Tears for the Poor
One of the most disturbing arguments made by Religious Right in its defense of corporations and big polluters is the claim that environmental protections are intended to hurt the poor.In Resisting The Green Dragon, Bishop Harry Jackson accuses the environmental movement of leading “the war on the poor,” Jackson founded a group with Niger Innis of CORE and Samuel Rodriguez of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference which derided clean-energy policies as “dangerous and immoral.” His Affordable Power Alliance relied heavily on research from a corporate front-group that received funding from ExxonMobil, Peabody Energy and other energy corporations.
Concerned Women for America’s Wright lamented that “the policies that environmental groups and even these evangelical groups got behind were ones that would consign the poorest of people around the world to grinding poverty, to disease, to premature death,” adding that environmentalists “don’t see humans as the Bible, as God sees them.” Beisner argues that “climate change is the totalitarian’s dream come true” and efforts to fight climate change would “make millions jobless” and “hurt the poor worst of all.”
Corporations and their front groups are increasingly using this rhetoric as well. For example, the pro-corporate American Action Network ran campaign ads featuring a senior citizen suffering through cold winter nights, claiming that the American Clean Energy and Security Act would make energy unaffordable and devastate the economy. Peggy Venable, the Texas state director of the Koch-financed Americans for Prosperity, claimed that “the Global Warming hoax is imperialism allowing a vehicle for environmentalists to dictate the way of life for us all - and is most harmful for third world countries where children often don’t see their fifth birthday.”
The argument that environmental protection will hurt the poor is at best misleading. Polluters disproportionately target low-income areas, particularly communities of color. The degradation of the environment in the most economically depressed places, a fact that launched the environmental justice movement.
With climate change contributing to rising sea levels, desertification, extreme weather, water scarcity and drought, studies predict that displacement due to climate change will disproportionately impact poorer people and developing nations. As the BBC notes, experts believe that “people living in poverty would be worst affected by the effects of climate change.”
The Religious Right’s intensifying hostility to the environmental movement and embrace of climate change denialism conveniently couples with the GOP’s mounting assaults on climate science and environmental regulations on polluters. Energy companies stand to benefit immensely from the plans of Republicans in Congress and state legislatures to weaken attempts to limit pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, and their opposition to building a more sustainable economy and adding ‘green-collar’ jobs. The Religious Right’s vicious attacks on environment-minded Christians and false assertions in the debate over environmental protection not only bolster the GOP’s war on science, but also suggest that it is a duty of faith to combat environmental protection, fight environmentalists, and deny global climate change. Just as corporate America has infused the GOP with an anti-environmental and anti-science ideology, the Religious Right is more than eager to provide cover for politicians and their corporate backers by claiming God’s blessing for their dishonest assertions and destructive policies.One of my favorite articles and bears repeating over and over...TOD
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