Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Organs from man with HIV transplanted into five patients

According to the Daily Mail, the hospital posted on its website that the mistake occurred because a staffer believed he heard the English word 'non-reactive' (negative) on the donor's standard HIV test, while the word 'reactive' was actually given.
"The National Taiwan University Hospital is required to come up with a detailed report before the end of Tuesday," Wang Je-chau, a spokesman for the Department of Health told news agencies.
AFP reports the family of the 38-year-old man decided to donate his organs after he fell to his death in Hsinchu city last week.
The medical staff conducting standard blood tests found that the man was HIV positive and that the transplant could not be conducted.
However, the message was wrongly conveyed and the doctors were given the green signal for the operations.
Subsequently, his liver, lungs and kidneys were transplanted into patients.
A health department official says that the five organ receivers will very likely contract HIV, and their anti-AIDS treatment will be further complicated because of the medication to modify rejection of the new organs.
The five recipients are all Taiwanese.
Local media said the responsible staff, if found guilty, may face a jail term of up to 10 years and the National Taiwan University Hospital may be barred from doing similar operations for a year.

Well, this incident happened in Taiwan yet the photo of a white doctor is used.  I wonder if that photo is of the actual doctor or is meant to put a subliminal thought inside your head that white doctors are incompetent?  Would it be considered "biased" if a Taiwanese doctor's photo was used, even though the doctor WAS IN FACT TAIWANESE?  Why isn't the ACTUAL photo of the doctor on display for all to see?  What is the objective criteria for the news media in deciding whose photos, names and addresses are used and whose aren't?  

Do you think there is an OBJECTIVE or SUBJECTIVE agenda at work with regards to how the media presents stories?  It is clear to me that the news is only a small part news and a large part editorializing and is actually an inversion of truth rather than a harmonization with it.  It is 90% agenda with a dash of truth, just to not make it too obvious and to make you believe they (newsmedia & reporters) are a legitimate source of information.  I would even go so far as to say the entire impetus of reporting news is for propaganda purposes and it's intent by the powers that be is the spread of a certain philosophy rather than a reporting of events as they happen.

The fact is that they HAVE to report on SOME events, even if it doesn't fit an agenda but these stories are spun in such a way as to keep the cultural marxist status quo agenda alive and thriving.  Spotting the duplicity could save your life someday...TOD

Monday, August 29, 2011

Tao Of Duplicity Radio Show 8-28-11

                                        GOTCHA BULLWINKLE

Bachmann and the zionist crackpots who love her


"The greatest speech by an American leader on Israel. This is what America needs in the White House. Seriously, this is greatness. What a breath of fresh air and righteousness in Obama's current climate of hatred and jihad-enabling."

Go to the site if you want to see crazy at work.  It's truly amazing to see people fawn over Bachmann BECAUSE SHE IS PRO-ZIONIST & PRO-ISRAELI AND NOT ALL ALL BECAUSE SHE IS PRO-AMERICA (although the two seem to be inseparable, I admit).  Also, it's also amazing that Obama gave the zionists everything they wanted (war in libya, bank bailouts and AIPAC complicity ect) yet HE IS DEMONIZED BY THE VERY PEOPLE HE GROVELS TO!  I believe "chutzpuh" is the correct term for this ugly display...

BTW, we hear so much about the luciferian left who runs the government and serves Israel yet right wing christian zionists, what are they?  I see the right doing all the damage and their big mouths are all I hear so why does the right wing get a free pass?  How can anyone in the know talk about the left as though it's worse than the right?  Liars and sanctimonious sycophants using the right wing as a cover for fake anti-big government nepotism.  I say there are more enemies on the right, calling themselves right wing conservatives destroying America than any other group.  The "truth monopoly" by these right wing truthers needs to have it's death grip removed...TOD

Bachmann says she'd consider Everglades drilling


"The United States needs to be less dependent on foreign sources of energy and more dependent upon American resourcefulness. Whether that is in the Everglades, or whether that is in the eastern Gulf region, or whether that's in North Dakota, we need to go where the energy is," she said. "Of course it needs to be done responsibly. If we can't responsibly access energy in the Everglades then we shouldn't do it."

Funny how "American Resourcefulness" according to Bachmann doesn't include Wind, Solar or other alternative energy sources.  Another right wing christian doing what big business wants and when the groundwater gets contaminated it'll be blamed on those "crazy left wingers" in government who want to depopulate the earth.  Ironically enough it'll be the left wing TELLING THEM NOT TO DRILL but that won't stop Americans from only caring about replenishing the oil supply.  

Allow big business to tap all American natural resources and you will be guaranteed to get LESS energy, higher bills for that energy and new laws protecting big business from lawsuits (not to mention contaminated drinking water and poisoned earth).  Bachmann will make Big Oil more powerful and will 100% make sure israel will get all it needs at the expense of American tax dollars AND American health.  This is the same as Palin wanting to open up the Alaskan Wilderness Preserve to Big Oil.  I guess if America is willing to forget about the oil spills and also continue to allow themselves to believe that these middle eastern wars will reap more oil for America then they'll get what they deserve; rape of their natural resources by those trying to destroy America by ultra-zionists like Bachmann who put Israel first AND last.  If you vote for Palin or Bachmann you deserve to have your groundwater poisoned...TOD

Spot The Duplicity

Holiday boredom fuelled UK riots

AAP August 29, 2011, 1:43 pm

Youngsters fuelled England's rioting crisis simply because they were bored on their school holidays, a survey has suggested.
Violence and looting may not have escalated to such devastating levels during term time, young people who were questioned said.
Campaigners said events illustrated the need for better opportunities for children during their spare time.
Wasim Khan, chief executive of the Cricket Foundation said there was a need for structured activities during school holidays.
"The survey clearly shows that young people in cities are crying out for positive activities during the long summer holidays.
"It's no surprise that boredom breeds bad behaviour. Children need an outlet to channel their energies and a structured competitive environment like street cricket can help provide this."
The poll of 1,000 people aged between 12 and 18 found almost a third of those in London said the riots occurred because young people get bored during their break.
About 46 per cent of those polled said they thought the riots and looting took place because young people do not respect police, while 43 per cent said they believed people joined in because they thought they would not get caught.
The research was commissioned by StreetChance and Barclays Spaces for Sports, an initiative to promote sporting opportunities in inner-city areas.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Minority Babies Almost the Majority AKA Whites Celebrate Their Extinction


Minority Babies Almost the Majority
Race; Posted on: 2011-08-26 19:34:41 [ Printer friendly / Instant flyer ]
Will whites will go from hated majority to hated minority with the insane left leading the way? Entirely up to you.

White infants are on the verge of being displaced as the majority of newborns now that nearly half of babies in the USA are ethnic and racial minorities.
Only 50.2% of babies under age 1 are white and not Hispanic, according to the 2010 Census — a sharp decline from 57.6% just 10 years earlier.
"We are almost at a minority-majority infant population," says Brookings Institution demographer William Frey, who analyzed the latest Census data. "We probably have passed it since the Census was taken" in April 2010.

The number of states where minority babies dominate has doubled to 14 since 2000. The balance has tipped in big states such as New York, Florida, New Jersey and Georgia.

more here...

First of all, the insane left???  What's up with that?  How many right-wing christians are on board with the destruction of the white race?  How many right-wingers do you know in the mass media or just personally who have a kind word regarding white solidarity/community?  If you still think the right wing is somehow pro-white you've got a screw loose somewhere...Anyway, down to business...

The real issue here is not that whites will be a majority in the USA but rather HOW WHITES FEEL ABOUT THAT FACT!!!  Most whites will tell you it's a great thing, never realizing (or caring) that most non-whites don't share this idea that all races should be treated equally.  In fact, non-whites are the exact opposite with regards to welcoming those not of their race into any circle where they may pose as competition.  By any means necessary will they be sure that the resources they gather (and continue to gather) will be for THEIR people only.  What is the white modus operandi?  Racial communism to the point that their recessive genes are lost forever...Good strategy.  

As if whites being a global minority wasn't bad enough, whites are highly motivated to make themselves minorities in the small amount of real estate they have left to them by their ancestors.  Whites have no racial equation afforded them when they are raped, attacked, beaten and displaced by non-whites.  They live in a solipsistic fantasy land where they believe all races are the same and share their sense of fair racial play.  It is nothing more than opportunism and cowardice which translates as benevolence and equality as the ego struggles to rationalize these negative principles as a positive thing...

Yes, most whites are too busy competing with other whites, (using non-whites as leverage against their own kin) and nepotism as an alternative never even enters their self-serving brain.  While whites are busy trying to prove to non-whites that they aren't racist, proving it by putting their boot in another white's face, non-whites are busy breeding & gathering up as many resources as they can in the name of their people.  Which of the two are more likely (and deserving) to survive? 

The real story here is also why whites never put two and two together to make four with regards to the racial bias against them.  The real story is why whites, in staying true to white form, will happily tell their friends family and neighbor this fact of their own destruction as a race in an attempt to outbid them in the name of the status quo.  The real issue is what is wrong with white people that they can't identify with their extended family in anything but competitiveness and NOT how poor victimized whites are going extinct via miscegenation and displacement...TOD

Friday, August 26, 2011

An existential look regarding "The Depopulation Agenda of World Government"

It would be easy to point out the obvious in this video so I won't even mention it.  However, what I do want to point out is this; the next time you hear a Christian, Truther or Anti-NWO type talk about the evils of "Depopulation", "Agenda 21" "Evils of Eugenics" and "Fighting World Hunger" remember this video.  Think about it, if a majority of the world is not like you, hates your race and your race is a global minority then what else could these groups want then your genocide?  If these issues are concerns by Big Government AND those claiming TO FIGHT Big Government then, well, whose side can you be on?  If you understand this then the only valid answer can be neither...

Two Stories, one important enough to provide details including photos & names of the perps...

Man in wheelchair punched unconscious

AAP August 26, 2011, 1:40 pm

A young man with cerebral palsy, confined to a wheelchair, has been punched unconscious in Sydney's west.
The 18-year-old victim was at a shopping centre in Blacktown on Thursday afternoon when he became involved in an argument with another man.
He was punched several times in the face, causing his wheelchair to tip over and leaving him unconscious with cuts to his head.
Members of the public came to his aid while his attacker fled the scene.
Paramedics treated him at the scene.
A 20-year-old man was arrested at a house in Blacktown later and charged with assault.
He has been granted conditional bail to appear in Blacktown Local Court on Wednesday.

Couple caught shoplifting for their wedding reception

A couple of Pennsylvania newlyweds are behind bars after police say they were caught shoplifting food from a supermarket for their wedding reception.
The Centre Daily Times reports 32-year-old Arthur Phillips III and his bride, 22-year-old Brittany Lurch, were married on Saturday 18 August and had scheduled their wedding reception for 5:30pm that afternoon.
However at 2:30pm that day police were called to a supermarket in the town of State College with a report of retail theft. The pair were caught stealing items worth $1,049.26.
Patton Township police say the couple was captured on surveillance footage loading a shopping cart and leaving the store without paying.
The newspaper says the couple admitted taking the items when arrested and told police who told them the items were for their reception.
While searching the couple's car, police also found a glass smoking pipe with marijuana residue. Philips was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia.
Phillips and Lurch were charged with misdemeanour counts. They didn't make it to their wedding reception and were held in the Centre County jail on $2,500 bail.
Now why do you suppose that one of these stories is deemed important enough to include photos and names of the perpetrator(s)?  Does the AP News Agency want it's readers to believe that the names, age and faces of a couple who stole 1 Grand worth of merchandise (white of course) is more newsworthy than a man held in custody who pummeled a Cerebral Palsy sufferer?  Which story do you think is information you need to know regarding the identity of each of the transgressors?  Why do you think the identity of one if hidden (no name, age, race or photo) and the other given in great detail (just look at the photos provided of the white couple?)  Also note while considering the above that both stories were Ap stories so the criteria SHOULD be the same while reporting.  In fact, wouldn't you think that a violent crime should garner more consideration regarding the identity of the criminal if not for the sake of justice but for the safety of the citizenry AP is speaking to?
What am I assuming?  Simply this; crimes and the truth are relative to those cultural engineers presenting news and other media for your consumption.  Two crimes on the same news page written by the same company are not judged by an objective news merit system BUT BY THE RACE INVOLVED IN EACH!  When you don't get a photo or a name of a criminal ESPECIALLY ONE WHO ATTACKS SOMEONE WITH CEREBRAL PALSY!  If it was a white man who committed such a crime they would have photos of not only him but his entire family, along with his address so you could pay him a visit!!!  THIS is the double standard governing the west and it is designed TO BE RACIALLY PREJUDICED AGAINST WHITES WHILE TELLING WHITES THEY ARE THE RACISTS!!!
The objective of the mainstream news media is to condition people to believe that only whites commit crimes, violent or other.  When a non-white commits a crime the details ARE NEVER GIVEN unless the victim was also a protected race.  What I'm telling you is that the truth is relative to a greater agenda and if a crime doesn't fit the model of that agenda it is only reported in a way that doesn't allow you to draw the conclusion that non-whites are dangerous to live around.  The powers that be want an influx of immigrants from the 3rd world and they DO NOT want whites in the west to resist this.  I won't go into details on why this is so.  Let's just say there is much in the west that keep the powers that be afloat.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Spot The Duplicity

A 14-year-old boy accused of murdering a man with a machete will fight the charges, a children's court has heard.

The Above Is The Title Headline On Yahoo News And the Story Was Pulled Within Hours Of It Being Posted:

Boy used machete to kill neighbour: court
AAP August 25, 2011, 5:07 pm
A 14-year-old boy accused of murdering a man with a machete in a neighbourhood dispute will fight the charges, a children's court has heard.
A 41-year-old Boronia man suffered severe head injuries and died after being struck with the weapon in a driveway in Boronia, in Melbourne's outer east, on Tuesday night.
The distressed teenager held his head in his hands and wept during his court appearance after being charged by homicide detectives on Thursday.
Police allege an argument broke out between the boy's 59-year-old father and the victim just after 9pm (AEST) on Tuesday, a detective told the hearing.
During the altercation the teenager obtained a machete and struck the victim with it, he alleged.
The teenager's lawyer said his client would be contesting the murder charge.
He said a bail application would be lodged as quickly as possible with a Supreme Court.
The lawyer said it was his client's first time in custody and the teenager was significantly distressed.
The children's court is unable to hear bail applications for murder, which must be heard in a Supreme Court.
The youth was remanded in custody until September 14, or until an application for bail is heard.

Tao Of Duplicity Radio Show 8-21-11

Saturday, August 20, 2011

DHS Depicts White Conservative-Looking Americans As Bomb-Planting Terrorists


DHS Depicts White Conservative-Looking Americans As Bomb-Planting Terrorists
News/Comment; Posted on: 2011-08-19 22:28:53 [ Printer friendly / Instant flyer ]
This is a set up folks.  That’s all this ‘tool’ of the Marxists contributes to.

If you have been reading this blog of late, we have been cataloguing the deliberate efforts of the Ruling Class, the Obama regime and Democrats in high office with calling the TEA Party and Conservatives with being “terrorists”. 

Obama denied that his Administration and the Vice President had called them Terrorists, the truth of what they want the American people to think comes out in a Hollywood-esque produced propaganda hit-piece.  You guessed it – a 30 second commercial airing all over the television and cable DEPICTS white, conservative-looking people with attempting to plant explosives at public transportation stations:


The "liberation" of South Korea controlled by America

Anyone ever wonder why North Korea resists being controlled by the USA?  I heard a VERY similar quote to the one below translated from Chinese when a jewess went to china to ask the chinese how they felt about jews:

Talmud Study now Mandatory in South Korea


"Jews have a high percentage of Nobel laureates in all fields: literature, science and economics. This is a remarkable achievement. We tried to understand what is the secret of the Jewish people? How they - more than other people - are able to reach those impressive accomplishments? Why are Jews so intelligent? In our opinion, one of your secrets is that you study the Talmud”.

It appears that jews know they will have to appease asians in both south korea and china.  Both countries will have a strong showing in the political trends coming down the pike.

Now watch this video and see the similarities:

Roughly quoted from the vid:

"Jews experienced German aggression while the Chinese experienced Japanese aggression in WWII so they share a common historical event."

"Jews and the Chinese are the smartest people in the world."

Funny how jews are considered geniuses AND victims simultaneously.  Is cunning the same as intelligence and why is it they require so much positive feedback from everyone in the world?  It's apparent they use their history of propaganda to first insinuate themselves then make it a crime to resist.  I just found it amusing that they are working on asians because they know that the asian community is a strong player on the global political stage.  It's so funny to see how they use the same game plan all the time on different cultures they seek to use.  They will and do use china to work against american interests while living in america.  They don't want to live in china because of the pollution and stuff so they stay in the west while baiting the chinese into an aggressive stance against the USA.  In Psychology it's called a Borderline Pathology where you "split" between two parties and then serve as the moderator after causing friction between the two.  Some times one party will be a favorite and the other will be given information to hurt the first.

Blacks and Jews

Hispanics and Jews

Alliance of Latinos and Jews http://www.latinosandjews.org/

Well well, race doesn't exist unless you're non-white.  Racism and discrimination doesn't exist either unless you are trying to unitie whites.  We live in a COMPLETELY discriminatory world where the measure of two things has EVERYTHING to do with the color and origin of that thing.  All racialism is equal except some forms are evil while others is natural...TOD

Perils of Right-Wing Christian "Truthtellers"



Here you go, what I warn against all the time.  Truth telling right wing christians claiming to have a monopoly on truth, righteousness and spiritual awareness...

"Christians must oppose the Jewish religious/Talmudic vendetta against Christianity, white culture and even American borders. Yet our enemy is not the various non-white peoples who are seeking a better life! (To his credit, Duke also acknowledges this.)
Christianity teaches that all individuals and all races are equal where it really matters—in God’s love for them and their equal opportunity to make free will choices for Him, resulting in eternal life in heaven. The starving, AIDS-infected baby dying in Sudan is no less valuable to God than a Jewish or Gentile child playing in a cozy New York townhouse. The great equalizer in Christianity is the enormous power that Jesus gives to all who trust in Him, regardless of our natural gifts, to perform acts of love and deliverance. It is not just the most intelligent who should guide society, but the most loving and compassionate."

This way of thinking gets white kids raped, murdered and forces them to be subservient to non-whites.  Pike doesn't tell you that ALL NON-WHITES CULTURES AND RACES ARE RACIST against whites, how about that!  He doesn't even mention the non-white aggression against whites .  In fact, he also doesn't mention that non-whites are pouring into white countries and seeking to re-identify these countries as not white at all but MULTIRACIAL!  Whites are to have no place of their own and that's okay with him.

Christians always pull this sleight of hand.  They get you believing that racialism is only found in the white psyche and that the small minority of whites who want to preserve their heritage is somehow against god (whoever or whatever he is).  While pretending to fight against ZOG and ZION people like Pike (and there are A LOT of them in the truth-movement) frame racialism as a problem ONLY WHEN WHITES PRACTICE IT!  They also never address the insane amount of non-white crimes against whites and certainly never make it appear that non-whites can be anything but "godly."  I guess only white people buy into this suicidal religion which preaches suffering as a means of enlightenment; as if the more you suffer the more your soul is being cleansed.  What a crock.  His whole reasoning is based on a similar philosophy known as cultural marxism which states "if you haven't reaped the fruits of diversity yet you haven't suffered long enough."

I criticize some whites in the know and all whites who don't care about their race but never on the basis that racialism is counterproductive, quite the contrary.  I believe that ego needs to be set aside and that people like Pike who REQUIRE followers will always cater to what they think the majority of their listeners/readers want to hear.  The truth is that whites are starting from scratch in cultivating pride and familiarity among their own.  If vanity and condescending elitism is practiced against one of your own you aren't developing communities but rivalries...That is my story and I'm sticking to it.  I always knew Pike would pull a stunt like this and he can just join the rest of those who claim to want to fight Zion but still adhere to it's principles...TOD

The Craziness Of Humans Worldwide

The Craziness Of Humans Worldwide
By Frosty Wooldridge

Over the weekend, a Norwegian gunman slaughtered 82 men, women and children. He bombed several places and shot up a kids' summer camp. He didn't approve of the Muslim invasion of his country and the incongruent confusion of multiculturalism. In the past 20 years, Norway's ruling elite imported 500,000 Muslim immigrants into that once mono-ethnic society. That action created a growing separation and balkanization of that country.
He may have reacted to a recent report that 85 percent of all rapes and crime in Oslo, Bergen and Trondheim stem from Muslim immigrants. While the Norwegian Islamic imams screamed, "racism, xenophobia, nativism," the police reports validated the figures.
Is all that crazy or what? Of course, the next question pops up, "Why did he kill regular Norwegian citizens?" The scope of the insanity cannot be comprehended.
In Somali, as reported by the United Nations, 800,000 children will starve to death because Islamic militants promise to kill any aid workers attempting to distribute food to adults and children alike.
Abdi Guled of the Associated Press said, "Mogadishu , the capital, is a war zone."
If you watched the weekend reports on ABC, NBC or CBS, you saw endless lines of wretched humans fleeing into Kenya and Ethiopia.
"If we are to save lives, we need to act now, to bring in massive quantities of medicines, vaccines, nutritional supplies and other aid into the region as quickly as possible," said Shanelle Hall, director of UNICEF.
Ironically, AIDS has killed 42, 597, 559 Africans in the past 30 years. It has currently infected 62,672, 209 that are slated to die. One more African contracts HIV every nine seconds. (Source: http://www.kwanzaakeepers.com/africa-aids-death-count/africa-aids-death-count.htm)
But the Pope dictated that no one could or should use condoms in Africa because it was against God's law.
Is that crazy or what? It makes you wonder what century the Pope maintains his mindset or if he possesses a mind at all.
Going back to the situation where 800,000 African children will die of starvation, the United Nations also released its latest population projections that Africa will grow from its current 1 billion people to a mind-numbing 3.1 billion within this century. That means that AIDS hasn't and won't slow down the fecundity of the Africans. But it also begs the question, "Does anyone have a brain in Africa?" Or, I might add, any third world country?
Today, in countries like Africa, over 1 to 2 billion people cannot procure a clean glass of water. Why? Somewhere in excess of 3 billion humans do not have access to a toilet. That's why water systems suffer incredible pollution. Does anyone possess an inkling of the ramifications of Africa's adding another 2.1 billion to its current population?
This stuff just boggles my mind. Why am I one of the few addressing it?
Try this one on for size. India suffers 1,000 children under age 12 dying daily from dysentery, diarrhea and other water borne disease. That's 24/7 throughout the year folks! (Source: www.populationmedia.com ) Some estimates show that 10, 20 even 30 million Indians do not have access to a toilet. The Ganges and all their other rivers are open sewer pipes. I know because I saw it for myself. Yet they grow by a net gain of 11 million annually on their way to becoming the most populated country in the world at 1.6 billion in 39 years.
On an NPR interview with Terri Gross of "Fresh Air", an Indian transplant and editor of Time Magazine, Fareed Zakaria told Ms. Gross that immigration will make America a "vibrant" 400 million in several decades. He fled India because of its demographic nightmare only to applaud another "American India" being formed in our country. By the way, Terri Gross didn't ask Zakaria a single question on what another 100 million people might do to our rivers, lakes, water
Am I off base here folks? Is it me? Am I out of touch? Should I be writing into Time Magazine and NPR congratulating people like Zakaria and Gross that are so out of touch with reality that they might as well live on Mars?
Who is thinking and who refuses to think?
Going back to Somalia's nightmare: if you go to the World Health Organization atwww.worldhealthorganization.com , you will see that 18 million human beings die of starvation or starvation related diseases annually. That's eight million adults and 10 million children that die because they cannot cultivate enough food to eat.
According to NewsVine.com , a whopping 26 million refugees are expected to be searching for a new country in order to survive within the next two to three years. By the way, they are pouring into America at a rate of 3.1 million annually in 2011. As the Neil Diamond song said, "They're coming to America!"
And yet, you won't hear a peep from the major media networks about what America faces when Fareed Zakaria' prediction of a "vibrant" added 100 million refugees immigrate to our shores in the next 24 years.
Why am I one of the miniscule few Americans addressing our demographic nightmare? Why isn't everyone screaming from the rooftops? Why are we allowing our civilization to continue on this path? I have attempted to interview on ABC, CBS, NBC, Today Show, Good Morning America, CNN, FOX, Charlie Rose, Bill Moyers, 60 Minutes and the top 100 radio talk shows. They won't touch the subject.
Are we collectively losing our minds and will we sit by quietly while we collectively lose our civilization? That's what it looks like from my window on the future. Our country is growing just as crazy as the ones we read about in the news.
Here's where we're headed fellow Americans:
Tomorrow's Americaproject on www.youtube.com/contemporarylearning.
Producer: Dr. GEORGE A. COLBURNwww.tomorrowsamerica.com

Friday, August 19, 2011

Basketball brawl breaks out

China is considered the aggressor and yes, once again, blacks are the victims. I guess no one told the chinese that it is racist to protect yourself against black aggression LOL...

Wow, shoe is on the other foot now.  The Bayi Rockets (Chinese Team) got 57 Free Throws to Georgetown's 15...Hmmm, who was the more aggressive team you think?  According to Youtubers it was the Chinese who were the aggressors; well, what do you expect from a nation who worships blacks?  I guess no one told the Chinese that it's racism to fight back against black aggression.  Youtubers were also crying the blues about how dirty the chinese are while playing sports.  It's funny how people will always come to the defense of blacks and also funny that a team sent to China to represent America was all black.

I think it's going to be quite interesting to watch how a country like america (which will have a non-white majority soon) will handle an economic powerhouse like china, especially when the chinese don't care about words like "racism."  What you see on this basketball court is a microcosm of political things to come.  A majority non-white america representing YOU white man and Uncle Sammy (Davis Jr) will be asking you to show your support for the new negro republic.  Once it is a majority non-white country THEY (the non-whites) will be forced to deal with China who owns most american assets.

Patriotism is racial for ALL other races YET it is racism for whites to want their own self-governance.  China is coming and it may be the straw that breaks the multi-cultural back of america.  Don't be fooled white man, let it go.  The trajectory america is on means your extinction.  China may be the wildcard which ends the multicultural marxist experiment.  I think whites won't stand up for themselves and appears that the chinese aren't afraid of being called "racist."  White people are too busy being both afraid of blacks and worshiping them simultaneously.  Resisting them means not only getting your ass kicked but going to jail as well.  I don't think the chinese have this psychological disparity...TOD

China is Chinese, crazy huh? I wonder if they consider America Negro?  I had a latino teacher in college tell me once that I'd better learn spanish if I wanted to work in the USA because I'll have a latino boss someday.  Well, I'm thinking that times have changed since then.  I wonder if he's telling students in 2011 that they better be learning chinese because china owns so much american debt that if they (the chinese) cash in they'll be working for china.  So many blacks and latinos are having children with the intent of running america someday but, ironically enough,  they will wake up one day and find that crying racism only works against whites.  Their new chinese masters of which they are indebted to will just purge and flush without remorse...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

How much protein do you really need?


How much protein do you really need?

(Photo: Getty Images)
(Photo: Getty Images)
By Sarah B. Weir and Lori Bongiorno
Posted Mon Aug 8, 2011 2:04pm PDT More from Green Picks blog
Guess how much protein is in a juicy, 8-ounce cheeseburger washed down with a milkshake? This single meal contains two to three times as much as most people need per day.
It’s no great surprise that Americans chow down on a lot of protein. We love beef and consume about 67 pounds per capita annually (that’s four times the international average). The popularity of low-carb regimes such as Atkins has also made meat the go-to food for dieters.
In fact, the average person eats about double the amount of protein that their body requires, according to the results of 2007-2008 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

How to fulfill your daily protein requirement

The human body uses protein to repair damaged cells and to build new ones. Marion Nestle, professor of nutrition at NYU and author of What to Eat, estimates that the average adult man needs about 65 grams of protein a day and the average adult female needs about 55 grams. Some sources, such as the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization say you can maintain a healthy diet with even less.
What does this actually mean in terms of food choices? The National Institutes of Health explains that most people can meet their daily protein requirement by eating two to three small servings of a protein-rich food a day.
Examples of a single serving of protein include:
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons of peanut butter
  • 2-3 ounces of red meat, poultry, or fish (about the size of a deck of cards)
  • ½ cup of cooked dried beans such as black beans or chickpeas
Whole grains, seeds, and some vegetables also contain protein, so consuming enough is not difficult even if you don’t eat meat. Vegetarians and vegans can easily get what they need by balancing complimentary proteins such as corn and beans or rice and tofu. Nutritionists used to recommend combining foods at the same meal, but research now shows that is unnecessary.

Are there drawbacks to eating more protein?

Eating large amounts of red and processed meats is associated with higher rates of heart disease and cancer, and most nutritionists such as Marion Nestle recommend cutting back on meat, especially on fatty cuts.
However, it’s less well known that your protein choices can have a substantial impact on the environment. Meat and dairy production requires tremendous amounts of fuel, pesticides, and chemical fertilizers, and generates greenhouse gases. The Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) recently published Meat Eater’s Guide points out that if you ate once less burger a week it would be the environmentally-positive equivalent of taking your car off the road for 320 miles.
Meat is also expensive. Not all proteins are created equal -- neither at the doctor’s office, nor the cash register. Here’s a comparison of three typical proteins:
Porterhouse steak
Serving size: 4 ounces
Protein: 22 grams
EWG carbon footprint rating: 2 nd worst out of 20 analyzed
Cost: 4 dollars
Fat: 22 grams
Saturated fat: 9 grams
Farm-raised salmon
Serving size: 4 ounces
Protein: 22 grams
EWG carbon footprint rating: 5th worst
Cost: 3 dollars
Fat: 10 grams
Saturated fat: 2 grams
Serving size: 1 cup
Protein: 17.9 grams
EWG carbon footprint rating: best
Cost: 20 cents
Fat: zero
Saturated fat: zero
Many people find meat to be a delicious and satisfying component of their diet that they don’t want to sacrifice. But if you want to save money, eat a nutritionally sound diet, and are concerned about the impact meat and dairy production has on the planet, consider reducing your consumption.
Here are some tips from the EWG's Meat Eater’s Guide:
  • Reduce portion sizes by eating one less burger or steak each week, or participate in Meatless Mondays by skipping meat (and cheese if you can swing it) just one day a week.
  • Choose the healthiest protein sources when you can. Beans, low-fat yogurt, and nuts are all high in protein and low-impact.
  • When you do eat meat and cheese, eat the highest quality that you can afford. (One way to save money is to eat less, but better quality meat and dairy products.) Here’s a guide decoding the labels, from cage-free to grass-fed.
  • Don’t waste meat. Uneaten meat accounts for about 20 percent of meat’s greenhouse gas emissions.
You don’t have to become a vegetarian or go to other extremes. These small changes will help reduce your impact, while providing plenty of protein in your diet.
Check out Yahoo! Green on Twitter and Facebook.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Spot the Duplicity

Student found dead on Toowoomba campus


Francis Tapim and Sam Burgess, ABC August 16, 2011, 7:26 am
Francis Tapim   http://www.facebook.com/francis.tapim
Sam Burgess     http://www.abc.net.au/profiles/content/s2793500.htm?site=southqld
The University of Southern Queensland (USQ) has released the name of an international exchange student who died suddenly at its Toowoomba campus last night.
American journalism student Emily Spickler, 19, was found dead at a residential college yesterday evening.
Her family has been notified.
Police are interviewing staff, students and friends of the young woman to piece together her last movements.
They are appealing to anyone with information to contact Toowoomba police.
Found dead: Emily Spickler

USQ chief operating officer Bernard Lillis says the death has shocked the university's tight-knit cohort of international students.
Mr Lillis says there are only 20 international exchange students on campus and everyone is close.
He says the university will open as normal today but special arrangements are in place for anyone who feels affected by the incident.
Mr Lillis says counselling will be offered to students and staff affected by the tragedy.
"We are working very closely with the police," he said.
"At this stage we are all in a complete shock at the moment, particularly the students, and we are offering counselling.
"We have gathered the students in McGregor College together to help them come to terms with what has happened.
"Some will be close to the deceased - these are communities where people build up lifelong friendships.
"As we move through the day our management team will meet and see what other steps we need to take to ensure this awful and tragic situation is dealt with in the best possible way.
"But we are extending to anybody who feels particularly affected, where they are close and where they have been affected, then we are making arrangements."

Knowing the criminal mainstream media's propensity to lean towards allowing asylum seekers into Australia, do you think they WOULDN'T cover up murder in the case of the girl in this article?  I propose that she was murdered by a refugee or some 3rd worlder given the red carpet treatment into Australia AND would even go so far as to say he was being given FREE COLLEGE EDUCATION which led to the murder of American journalism student Emily Spickler, 19.  How could there be ZERO evidence to go on regarding this case?  Agenda is more important than murder, especially when it  means so many more can be killed by covering up cases such as this.  I know I am cogitating but it should be food for thought.  After all, motive is the first thing law enforcement investigates and being there is ZERO evidence it would appear there is a cover up.  So, what would be the motive?  Well, being the mainstream media is HELL BENT on getting asylum seekers into Australia a motive would be to protect the image of asylum seekers.  This sword cuts both ways and the very logic used to disarm can be used to disarm your opponent; in this case, the criminal mainstream media who usually will give all kinds of opinions about motive and intent and if they are the thought police.  Oddly enough, they are mum on THIS PARTICULAR SUBJECT...TOD

P.S. My God, do you see how pathetically SHORT the news story is?!?!  If an asylum seeker was found dead how do you think this news story would go?  How many pages would it entail and how many times do you think the word "racist" or "racism" would be used???  It would be a story on why asylum seekers and 3rd world immigrants need special laws to protect them, even though there were no signs of a racial attack.  But, being this is a white journalism student studing in Australia from America, no special assertions are made and no effort will be utilized to get to the bottom of the story.  Even that would be bad but I believe this is a cover-up murder case being presented as a magical spontaneous death which is downright evil.  All in the hope that it won't be the last.  I have seen this over and over again so I believe it is important to educate my readers/listeners.  This is par for the course, modus operandi and simply put, the war being waged against what it means to be racially white.  Racial Survival 101 if you will...TOD

Public backs onshore asylum processing


More than half the population want asylum seeker claims processed onshore, a new poll reveals.AAP © Enlarge photo

A new poll shows more than half the population wants refugees arriving by boat to have their asylum claims processed in Australia.
The public's position is in contrast with that of the Labor Party and coalition, who both advocate processing in a third country.
The Herald/Nielsen poll of 1400 people showed 53 per cent of people prefer onshore processing, with 28 per cent saying they felt refugees should be sent to another country.
Of the 53 per cent, 55 per cent said those processed in Australia should be held in detention and 41 per cent said refugees should be able to live in the community while their claims are assessed.
The federal government has already signed a deal to send 800 asylum seekers to Malaysia, though the first group of refugees to be transferred under the arrangement have not yet made the journey.
The deal is being challenged in the High Court by refugee advocate lawyer David Manne.
Papua New Guinea has also recently agreed to reopen the Manus Island processing centre.
The coalition advocates reopening a processing centre on the island of Nauru.
This is how white countries are lost; to 3rd world immigration via refugee status.  Ask any of these refugees how they feel about white australians a year from now and they'll say they are all racist.  Meanwhile, they'll be given a place to live, food to eat and expenses for the several children they have (and continue to have).  When I traveled to australia and stayed there for some time I needed to make sure I had international health insurance (because they didn't want me to use the free health care), needed all kinds of references when renting a place on a lease and was put through the ringer going through the airport checkpoints.  Anyway, while in australia I spoke with several aboriginal people there and several of them said the blacks coming into australia as refugees were racist towards them.  In fact, they even went so far as to say the blacks were trying to replace the aboriginal peoples in several australian locations.

 I'd also like to add that the "polls" of which they are no specific details is more conducive to an ulterior motive which seeks to get these refugees into the country and NOT with altruistic intentions.  This story was written by someone specifically with specific agendas in mind (just read it, sounds more like commentary than news).  There is an agenda to flood australia with non-whites, similar to the agenda in all white countries by the powers that be.  The media is RIFE with these people and their agenda.  It is not "Green" types because to be "Green" is to want LESS people thus preserving the environment.  It is a particular tribe of individuals who view their race as superior and white countries as their enemy.  It is a particular race of people who masquerade as Whites but in reality despises them.  It is a racial/religious group who dominate the media and impose things such as immigration in order to destabilize the white civilizations which welcomed them in the first place.  They use well-meaning people as their shield and make a dozen seem like it's the majority.  They make it "immoral" to resist them, even if it means Australia is turned into a 3rd world gangland in the process...

One last thing I'd like to comment on regarding this story is that there are more places on the planet which meet the australian criteria for refugee status than not.  When one looks at the countries these refugees are coming in from you will find similar circumstances within dozens of 3rd world non-white countries.  Should australia just allow ALL of the refugees worldwide to flood into their country?  Should they break the backs of the middle class (for they are the ones who foot the bill) in favor of an unskilled underclass which doesn't even know the language?  And why is it that 99% of non-white people worldwide consider white people and their countries racist yet it is only those places they wish to immigrate to?  Why not go to China, India, Israel or the Middle East?  Why do they flood ONLY to Australia and the like?  TOD

Monday, August 15, 2011

World Trade Center Memorial in New York City


Michael Arad is an Israeli-American architect who won the design competition for the World Trade Center Memorial in New York City in 2004.

Early life and education

Arad, a US citizen, was born in 1969 in London, where his father, Moshe Arad, a former Israeli ambassador to the United States and Mexico, was on a diplomatic mission. Arad lived in Jerusalem for nine years. He did his military service in a Golani Brigade commando unit.[1]
Arad received a bachelor's degree from Dartmouth College, and a master's degree from Georgia Institute of Technology's College of Architecture.[2][dead link]


He moved to New York City in 1999 and worked as an architect at Kohn Pedersen Fox for three years. After KPF, Arad briefly worked for Leclere Associate Architects. When he submitted his design to the competition for the World Trade Center memorial, he was working for the New York City Housing Authority, designing police stations for the New York City Police Department. Arad now works for Handel Architects, which has offices in New York and San Francisco.[1]

[edit] World Trade Center designer

Arad was selected from 5,201 competitors as the winning designer of the World Trade Center Memorial with "Reflecting Absence" - a pair of pools set 30 feet deep in the "footprints" of the downed towers, with cascading waterfalls surrounded by the names of the dead, areas at bedrock level where the public can mourn and family members of the victims can grieve in private, a space for 9/11 relics and a "living park" at ground level meant to symbolize life and rebirth.

The high cost of the project, originally estimated at $1 billion, also sparked controversy

ARE YOU EFFING JOKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE COUNTRY IS BANKRUPT AND AN DUAL CITIZEN ISRAELI GETS A ONE BILLION DOLLAR CONTRACT?????  First Larry Silverstein and now Michael Arad?!?!  Does no one care that the same tribe is making money hand over fist from 911???  Is this not provoking serious consideration of theft and fraud???  I guess if you are a special people than accusations of scandal, murder and treason do not apply to you.  People don't even THINK that special people may be criminally inclined.  If a special person does it you know it must be good...What a joke; depression, recession, inflation and bankruptcy only apply to suckers and not bloodsuckers. Duplicity right in your face and still Americans will defend the criminal.  You deserve to lose everything including your land if you refuse to see the criminals designing your world of hypocrisy.  If you truly were honorable you'd see dishonor and if you truly were truthful you'd see those practicing untruth, plain and simple...